Chapter Nine - Unfinished Business

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After the Atmos Police Department rounds up the rogue Raptors, Starling takes the rest of the night off while the Storm Hawks prepare for sunrise. Before she heads home, Starling makes her way to the Red Eagle Bar, knowing Repton was there. Before she enters the bar, she takes a sip from her flask. After that, she calmed her nerves and entered the bar. As she entered the bar, no one batted an eye as they went about their business. Starling looked around and saw Repton sitting in the same spot as last time. Starling walked up to Repton's table and sat opposite of him. 

Repton: Welcome back, Detective. 

Starling: The rogue Raptors have been taking care of. So are the weapons. 

Repton: It is unfortunate that you destroyed the weapons, but you helped rooted out the cancer within my gang. 

Starling: Let's get one thing straight, Repton. I didn't do this for you. The only reason I did it was because if I didn't, the whole city would be thrust into a bloody gang war. If it weren't for that, I'd gladly watch you burn. 

Repton couldn't help but smirk as he takes a sip of his drink. It was no secret that he knew of Starling's intense hatred towards him. 

Repton: Did you see it, Detective? Did you see the Winged Demon?

Starling knew the answer to that question. She was nearly killed by Dark Ace before being rescued by the Storm Hawks. She was silent for a moment, giving Repton the answer he needed. 

Repton: When facing a demon, one must take care to not become one. 

Starling: As if you're one to talk about that. How many innocents have you killed?

Repton: I do not deny the fact that I am a killer. But we are all killers in some form or another. 

Starling: Don't think about comparing the two of us. You're just garbage who kills for money. No matter what you claim yourself to be, that's all you are. 

Repton simply smirked as he took another sip of his drink. He could see the anger seething through Starling. 

Repton: They say those who seek vengeance must dig two graves. One for his enemy and one for himself. 

Starling: I'm not after vengeance, Repton. I want justice. Not just for my partner, but for everyone who's life you ruined. 

Repton: If you truly desire it, then let us finish this. We can do it here or we can settle this somewhere else. Somewhere without the prying eyes of both our allies. If you so desire it, we will end this once and for all. Two fighters enter. One leaves. You kill me or I kill you. Either way, all remain in balance. 

As Repton suggested this, Starling was surprised. She didn't think Repton would grant her an opportunity to face him one on one. She was tempted to accept his offer so she could kill him. Ever since her partner was killed at Repton's hands, all Starling wanted to do was to kill Repton. Now that she had her chance, Starling found herself hesitating. 

Starling: I could kill you right now, you evil son of a bitch. I could take out my gun and blow your fucking brains out. 

Repton: If that is what you want, then go ahead. Do not hesitate. If you feel the need to do this, then do so without regret. 

Starling took a moment to think on her next action. She was tempted to kill Repton right then and there. As she placed her hand on her pistol, she began to think of the possible repercussions for killing Repton. She wondered of the chaos that could occur as a result of Repton's death. While she would gain closure from killing Repton, she would be leaving behind a power vacuum from within the Raptor Gang that could potentially escalate into a bloody gang war. In that moment, she realized that doing this would only make things much worse for the city. 

Starling: Goddamn it....

As Starling said this, she got up from her seat and began walking away. 

Starling: As much as I want to kill you, I'm not like you. If I'm taking you down, I'll do it on my terms, not yours. I'll see to it that you're put in a cell for the rest of your life. 

As Starling said this, Repton smirk as he finished his drink. While they worked in opposite sides of the law, Repton couldn't help but respect her. As Starling began to walk to the exit, Repton stops her. 

Repton: You continue to impress me, Detective Starling. I cannot help but respect you. 

Starling: Save it. Let's get one thing straight. The next time we meet, I'm coming after you. Then I'm taking you and your gang down. And I'll make sure you spend the rest of your life inside a cell. 

Repton smiled as he raised his glass to Starling. 

Repton: Till we meet again. Au revoir, Detective Starling. 

Without saying a word, Starling left the bar. As she got in her car, Starling took a moment to catch her breath. Despite letting Repton live, she found a strange kind of closure. Though her business with Repton remained unfinished, Starling drove home and took the time to rest for the night, awaiting the next move of Cyclonis, knowing that she was still plotting something for the city. 

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