Chapter Four - The Winged Demon

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After accepting Repton's invitation, Starling drove to the Red Eagle Bar thirty minutes early. As she waited, she could see the Storm Hawks perched on a rooftop overlooking the bar. As thirty minutes passed, Starling entered the bar to find only a few people in there. All eyes fell on Starling as she approached the bartender. 

Bartender: What can I get for you? 

Starling: Scotch on the Rocks. 

The bartender poured her a Scotch on the Rocks just as she asked. As she took the glass in her hands, she looked around the room. 

Starling: I'm here to meet someone. 

Bartender: The gentleman in the back is the one you're looking for. 

Starling nodded to the bartender as she made her way to the table in the back. As she got closer, she could make out the man's face. She knew that the man in this table was Repton. As she took her seat, Repton greeted her. 

Repton: A pleasure to meet you, Detective Starling. 

Starling: The last time we met, you tried to kill me. 

Repton: That was nothing personal. It was merely business. You of all people must understand that. But that is not why we're here. 

Starling: You said you have evidence about this Winged Demon. Well? 

Repton pulls out a manila folder from his coat. He opens it and pulls out several photographs from it and places them on the table in front of Starling. Starling looked at the photos and recognized Dark Ace. 

Starling: How exactly did you get those pictures?

Repton: I have my ways, Detective. Getting them wasn't easy, but as you can see, the evidence is as plain as day. 

Despite Starling knowing full well that she had an encounter with the Gargoyle in the photos, Starling decided to play the part of a skeptic.

Starling: How do I know these aren't fake? You know how many photos of Bigfoot I get on my desk every year?

Repton: These are true I can assure you. The Raptors who has split from my gang have made a deal with the Winged Demon. By doing this, these fools have damned their souls and placed a curse on my gang. 

Starling: I've heard the stories, but I never personally took you for a religious man. For a person who believes in a Higher Power, you're drenched in sin.

Repton: I believe that there are supernatural forces at work. They maintain balance in the world. For every act of good, there is an act of evil to counter it. For every act of order, there is an act of chaos. I believe in order and chaos. I believe that one cannot exist without the other. I am what I am for the sake of balance. I may be a killer, but I do not relish in these acts. 

Starling took note of Repton's words. It was clear that he didn't see himself necessarily as an evil man. But that didn't matter to Starling. Starling was filled with anger and rage just by being in the same room as him. Despite this, she kept her cool.

Repton: Everyone I done ever met done followed after the Grim Reaper. Some willingly. Others kicking and scratching. I taught myself long ago not to waste tears for the dead. I accept the will of the world. 

Starling: Why come to me? You work with Cyclonis.

Repton: I do work for her from time to time, but I am not her lapdog. The relationship between Cyclonis and I is merely a professional one. 

Starling: Then why haven't you gone to her?

Repton: Because she too has made a pact with this Winged Demon. Whatever pact she had made with this Winged Demon, it will only bring ill will on the world and all who live it, regardless of moral code. 

Starling was surprised to hear Repton say these things. 

Starling: So you're scared? I call bullshit, Repton. You're scared of no man. 

Repton: This Winged Demon is no man. It is a creature from the bowels of Hell. He will bring death and destruction in his wake. I want no part of this. 

Starling took a sip of her drink as Repton did the same. Starling never thought she would be sharing a drink with the man who has brought her so much pain and misery in her life. 

Starling: There's just one piece of unsettled business I want to settle before we end this. You killed my partner. 

Repton: I did. And look what you have become. Your will is strong and your resolve remains unbroken. Take pride in your growth. 

Starling: That's not good enough, Repton. It's time you answered for your crimes, Repton.

Repton: Our unfinished business can wait. You have much bigger things to deal with at the moment. Before we conclude, I have one final gift to you. The renegade Raptors will be meeting at this address. You know where it is. 

Repton finished his drink as he hands Starling a piece of paper. He then left some money on the table. As he began to walk away, Repton had one last thing to say to Starling. 

Repton: For what it's worth, the one who hired me to kill your partner wanted him to die slowly. I gave him a quick death. 

Starling was stunned as Repton left the bar. She looked at the address written on the piece of paper. She knew exactly where she was. She finished her drink and paid for it. After paying for her drink, he grabbed the pictures Repton had given her and left the bar to give the Storm Hawks the information given to her by Repton. 

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