Chapter Two - Business As Usual

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As Cyclonis and Dark Ace renewed their alliance, Detective Starling made her way to the abandoned apartment complex which served as the safe haven for the Gargoyle Clan known as the Storm Hawks. She arrived seconds after the Storm Hawks awakened from their stone slumber.

Starling: Guess I'm right on time.

Aerrow: Once more, we awaken from our stone slumber to fight evil.

Starling chuckled as she took a sip from her flask. Radarr soon jumped on Starling's shoulder, surprising her.

Starling: Easy there, little guy.

Piper: Radarr's beginning to like you.

Starling: So it seems. Anyways, I can't stay long. Commissioner Harrier wants to speak with me.

Aerrow: Can this Commissioner Harrier be trusted?

Starling: I trust him. He's one of the few people that Cyclonis hasn't bought.

The Storm Hawks had witnessed corruption before, but they had never seen such corruption on a grand scale.

Aerrow: Such naked corruption is an affront to justice. 

Starling: I couldn't agree with you more. There's way too many cops in this city under Cyclonis's pockets. But I guess money can't buy the loyalty of a...clan of Gargoyles. 

Stork: We have no use for money. It's not like we can walk into a mead hall and expect service. 

Starling chuckled at Stork's comment. 

Junko: So what's the plan, Aerrow? 

Aerrow: We will patrol the skies of the city. We will strike at those who prey on the innocent. 

Starling: Looks like you got your hands full for tonight. I'll go ahead and leave you to it. 

With that, Starling bid her farewells to the Storm Hawks as she left the apartment complex. She then got into her car and drove to the Atmos Police Station and makes her way to the office of Commissioner Harrier. 

Starling: You wanted to see me, Commissioner?

Harrier: Yes. Take a seat, Detective Starling. 

Starling then took a seat as Harrier took a deep breath. He looked upon the picture of his graduation photo from the police academy.

Harrier: Sometimes I get the feeling the whole goddamn world's spiraling out of control.

Starling: What makes you say that?

Harrier: Back in the old days, you knew who the bad guys were and you knew who the good guys were. Now it's damn near impossible to tell who's who and what side they're on. It's like something out of a Machiavelli story. Now I'm getting reports of monsters spotted all over the city. It's like the world's so crazy that people just started seeing monsters. 

Starling was silent in response to it. She knew for a fact that the monsters were in fact the Gargoyles of the Storm Hawks as well as Dark Ace. 

Harrier: This department's rotten to the core. Cyclonis just has about every cop in this station in her pockets ready to cash out. 

Starling: Then why don't you retire?

Harrier: And spend the rest of my life back at my old farm with a pension and a cheap gold watch? Not on your life. The truth is that despite all this...ugliness, I feel like I can do some genuine good, even if it's just a small change. My father was a cop and so was his. My family has been in law enforcement since I could remember. We have a Code that we follow. We protect those who can't protect themselves and do so with honor and integrity. Those who fight with honor will always prevail. That's what my father always said to me.

Starling: Sounds like a great man. 

Harrier: I never saw him much when I was young. He was always out doing his job. But every moment I spent with him was always something special. But that's enough of the sentimental stuff, I have an assignment for you. 

Starling: What kind? 

Harrier: Something up your alley. Ever since that whole warehouse incident, the Raptor Gang has been getting bolder. They've been expanding their territory across the city. 

Upon hearing this, Starling became tense as she had a grudge against the Raptors stemming from the murder of her partner at Repton's hands. 

Starling: What about Cyclonis's Talon Commandos? Aren't they supposed to be fighting crime?

Harrier: That's the story, but the Talon Commandos have been quiet. Sure they take on small time crooks, but they haven't been moving on Repton or his gang. 

Starling: So you want me to find out what's going on? 

Harrier: I want you to uncover what's going on. Something's not right here. The Raptors don't move unless they got a good goddamn reason. Repton may be a scumbag, but he's no idiot. There's no logic in these expansions. I think the Raptors are planning something. 

Starling: Say no more. I'm on it. 

As Starling got up from her chair, Harrier offered some words to the detective. 

Harrier: Be careful out there, Starling. I know you want to get some payback on Repton, but I don't want you getting killed for revenge. The last thing I need on my conscious is the death of possibly the last honest cop in this city. 

Starling: Don't worry, Commissioner. I know what I'm doing. This'll be business as usual. 

With that, Starling exited the police station and began driving towards the abandoned apartment complex. She knew that a job like this would require serious backup. Starling knew exactly who to go to. Once Starling recruited the Storm Hawks, she would investigate the reason behind the Raptor Gang's recent territorial expansion into the city.

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