Part 1

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It was a Thursday night, I was sitting on my bed while my laptop's screen light reflected on my face. My eyes slowly looked at the time on my laptop screen, 8:45 p.m. I was slowly getting tired but I had to stay up until my English paper was done.

There was only one paragraph left on my paper about Shakespeare's Hamlet. I loved Shakespeare but our English teacher made us write the dumbest papers about it.

I wish we wouldn't have to write a six page essay on 'How Hamlet affects us in a good way' when we could write an essay on 'Why Hamlet is similar to society now'.

I shook my head and started typing. After a few minutes I finished my last sentence. Then I submitted my assignment to my teacher and sighed, turning on my laptop and placing it on the floor.

I took off my oversized sweatshirt until I was left in nothing but pajama shorts and a tank top. It gets extra hot at night in Florida.

Once I tied my hair into a bun I turned my light off and crawled under the covers. As soon as my eyes closed I heard my phone ringing.

Ophelia is O and Lily is L

O: What is it Lily?

I said rubbing my forehead feeling more and more sleepy.

L: Nothing just wondering what time you'll be at school tomorrow.

O: Uhm the same time I'm always there.

L: I knew that dummy.

O: Okay... then why'd you ask?

I said smiling.

L: Because I'm coming a little later, me and Ashlyn are gonna ditch to smoke and I need you to tell Ms. May that I had a dentist appointment for first period.

O: Okay, just promise not to get caught in second period, you know you get tired when you smoke.

L: I promise I won't. I'm going to be prepared and also get coffee on the way to school. No one will suspect a thing.

She said laughing then we said our goodbyes and goodnights.

The girl I was on the phone with is named Lily. She's my best friend and my only friend. We've been friends since I was 8. I met her when I was 7 and she was 8. She's always been there for me through everything and I've been there for her.

Her other friend is named Ashlyn and she's in college. Lily and Ashlyn have been friends for over a year. I've talked to Ashlyn before and we've hung out but I just get a weird vibe from her. Lily started smoking weed with her 3 months ago and ever since then Lily has been hanging out with Ashlyn more.

I turned over in my bed and finally drifted off to sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up at 7am and got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Once I was out the shower I went to my room and searched for clothes to wear for school. I ended up picking  high-waisted light blue jeans, a short sleeved yellow shirt, and white sandals. I curled my brunette hair and put on some mascara before heading to my closet to grab my purse hanging on the closet door. I put my phone, car keys, charger, and lipgloss in my purse and grabbed my school bag before heading downstairs.

"Hey mom, hi dad." I said while strolling over to the cabinet to grab a granola bar and a cup then sitting at the table and pouring me some orange juice.

"Hi hun, aren't you going to eat breakfast?" My mom asked sweetly with a smile.

"I'm okay mom, I have this." I said smirking and waving the granola bar around.

My Sunflower [H.S]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ