Part 7

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When I was younger I used to love being in my room alone while watching Disney movies and smiling. Feeling happy. That's something I got used to. Every day when I came home from school I couldn't wait to lay in my room all day and watch Disney movies while imagining I'm one of the princesses. I'd hope one day a nice and charming prince could rescue me from a castle or tower. But I was never the damsel in distress. I had a family that loved me and a best friend that loved me. It was nice. Everything was perfect.

The was until he had me kidnapped.

My mother always told me that things happen for a reason whether we like them or not. But why would all this happen to me? I couldn't hurt a fly, I'm too much of a sweet person so why me?

Ever since I got here, everything just feels like I'm strapped on a scary roller coaster ride and there's no getting off no matter what. The only way out is to jump off. But killing myself would be too easy and just painful for my mom and dad.

My confidence has been low all my life but ever since Harry put me in this stupid fucking room and isolating me from people and surrounding me with his violent paintings and pictures, I grew more confident.

It's been two days since Harry brought me that grilled cheese. It's been two days since I've said his name. It's been two days since I've stood up. I've been left alone with my thoughts all this time and it's scary. I know he's mad that I yelled at him to stand up for myself but he must've really took it personal since he hasn't even checked on me. For all I know, he could think I've starved to death and not give a single fuck.

All I want is for someone to come rescue me.

Because I've finally realized that I'm now that damsel in distress and I'm used to this torture now.

"Please come rescue me my prince." I whispered as my voice strained and my throat felt sore from talking for the first time in 48 hours.

As if on cue I heard the lock twist from the door and the door creaked open. Revealing a figure that stood tall with a gorgeous mop of curls on his head. My prince.

All I could do is give a weak smile. The figure walked closer and I seen that it was Harry. Not who I was expecting at all.

He lifted me up bridal style and carried me out of the torturous room that I've been in. The light from the hallway made me wince and shut my eyes. I moved my head to face Harry's chest, inhaling his scent. He took me into the guest bedroom, laying me on the bed. I curled into a ball and hid my face from him. I could feel him staring at me. Then I heard him walk to the door, exiting the room while closing it behind him not saying a word to me.

My head slowly lifted from the pillow, then I eyed the room for a second making sure he left.

It was silent for 30 minutes straight. I was still laying in a fetal position just thinking. Besides, I was left with my thoughts for two days and I'm accustomed to it. I've learned how to silence my thoughts as well, only if they get too loud.

This stupid skirt is pissing me off.

I sat up, sliding my skirt down my legs until it hit the floor then I took my bra off only to be left in my shirt and underwear.

Still sitting on the side of the bed, I stood up and walked over to the mirror.

How cute.

Harry better be happy for what he's done to me. He numbed me. I can't feel mental pain. Everything is just blank. No matter how hard I try to think of something like a puppy dying or the fact that I'm literally half naked in my psychotic kidnappers guest bedroom, nothing makes the tears come out.

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