Part 4

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I'm starting this chapter from Harry's Point of View and a flashback. Hope you enjoy!


I was stuck. I could tell my face went pale and my body was stiff. Hearing her name again made me shudder in a terrible way. I haven't heard her name in years. Then I remembered a memory of her.

"Harry why did you do that!" Grace screamed after I slit her boyfriend's throat on purpose of course.

Grace was staying at my home in Florida for a couple of months to help me cope with my anger. She's been my best friend since high school. She's currently studying back at uni to become a therapist, on her time off I flew her out to Florida so she could help me.

"I'm sorry Grace he was making me upset!" I yelled back at her. I felt like crying but I knew it was impossible because I never cry, never have and never will.

"You're not getting any better Harry! I knew it was a mistake to come out here and help! I'm going back home..." She yelled with tears streaming down her face.

Her boyfriend came out to stay here with her and he helped with my anger sometimes whenever Grace needed help with me. Today was just not my day and I snapped on him. I killed him...

"Grace please! I'm sorry, just please stay! Please!" I pleaded to her, getting on my knees and screaming.

"I'm sorry Harry but you're out of control. I can't do this anymore. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I'm not coming back until you get professional help." She looked down at me in the demented state I was in and shook her head.

The reason she was here in the first place was because every therapist I had was terrified of me. Most of the women therapists ignored the state I was in and just wanted me to fuck them. Most of the men therapists just nodded their heads and wrote on their notepads not listening one bit.

Grace was better than therapy. She knew me in ways other people didn't. She was my light.

She walked out of the room and slammed my bedroom door. I heard her muffled footsteps walking down the hall and slamming her bedroom door.

I started getting more and more irritable. I couldn't stop my movements. I started pacing back and forth before I completely lost it. I punched a whole in my wall and punched my flat screen tv, sending it to the floor with a loud crash. I started self inflicting pain amongst myself by pulling my hair from my scalp. I picked up my glass of bourbon and smashed it on my head while screaming from mental pain.

My thoughts told me to calm down but I couldn't. I stared at the dead body in front of me. There was blood all over his plaid shirt from bleeding out from his throat. I hit the corpse until I felt better. It was only causing more pain. I punched as hard as I can over and over on his face until he was unrecognizable. My knuckles were covered in blood and bruises. Some blood even managed to splatter on my face.

I heard my bedroom door open and I stopped punching the corpse. I peered up and seen Grace stare at me in shock.

I started to get up and walk towards her but she ran out and went into her room locking the door behind her.

"Graceeeee. Open up." I said while laughing maniacally.

"Go away Harry! You're not yourself." She screamed from the other side of the door.

I started punching the door and kicking it.

The wood was starting to crack in the middle of the door where I kicked it. I kicked the door in one more time with all my might and the wood broke completely. There was more than enough room for my hand to slide in to unlock the door, so I unlocked it.

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