The Final Truth - Chapter One

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"It's punishment time!"

Shakily, Kaito removed a small black book that was hidden in his coat, and passed it to Shuichi, who took it, his hands also shaking.

"K - Kaito... what is this?" Shuichi said, frantically blinking so he didn't cry. His best friend was about to be executed, he didn't have time to worry about books. Even so, curiosity got the better of him, and he glanced down at it. It was completely plain - not even a title. The book's cover was fake black leather, and the pages seemed to be quite old.

"It's... Kokichi's diary." Kaito responded, turning to follow Monokuma to his execution. "He asked me... to give this to you." He gave Shuichi a hug, waved at Maki, who was still in floods of tears, and turned his head away, facing his death head on.

After Kaito's execution, Shuichi tore his gaze away from the mess of metal that was the spaceship and turned his attention back to the book.


Shuichi had never understood Kokichi - and once he realised Kokichi was the one that was under the press, he was distraught that he never would. But with this diary... maybe it's a chance for him to understand Kokichi - to learn why he did what he did.

Apprehension in his face, Shuichi opened the book to the first page.

If you're reading this, I'm probably dead.

Either that, or I actually trust you! That's a funny thought, I don't trust anyone.

Shuichi noticed the word 'anyone' had been crossed out. The paragraph continued, but he noticed some writing that had clearly been added later, on top of the word, saying 'almost anyone'. His eyebrow raised, Shuichi lowered his eyes down to the next line, intending to read more.

If you find this book, and I'm not dead, please return it to me! If I am dead, then I guess you can't do that.

Shuichi felt a small bubble of laughter reach his lips at Kokichi's bluntness, before suddenly disappearing as he remembered Kokichi really is dead. Shuichi looked down to the ground in heart clenching sadness, feeling his chest tighten, and tears form in the corners of his eyes once again.

"Shuichi?" He turned to see Maki glancing at him. Her eyes were bloodshot - although with red eyes like hers, she normally looks bloodshot anyway - just in a more deadly kind of way. He turned to face her, wiping at his eyes, and she continued. "Do you want to... come train with me? I think he'd... he'd want us all to still get along."

Maki was clearly thinking about Kaito, as she glanced up to the spaceship parts once again, but Shuichi could only think about Kokichi. He didn't know how much longer he had left to try and understand him - he may not ever get the chance again.

"Maki, I... I think I'd like some time alone." Shuichi muttered, glancing down at his book. "I'd like to train tomorrow though, if that's okay."

"Y - Yeah!" Maki said in agreement, glancing away. "It's alright, I can train by... by myself." A wave of guilt hit Shuichi in the chest, and he frantically tried to tell her that's not what he meant, but she interrupted him. "It's alright - I know what you mean, Shuichi. I... I might not train tonight either, I... I'm not sure I could handle it alone." The last part of her sentence was a whisper, and for a moment, Shuichi wanted to give her a hug - even though he knew that doing that might result in his death.

"Maki! Shuichi! What are you still doing here?" Tsumugi cried, running up to them with Himiko. "I thought you'd be doing some training?"

"Ha! You should listen to me more often! My magic told me they'd be here!" Tsumugi added, glancing at both of them in joy - trying to hide her concern for them both.

"We're good. A - Actually," Shuichi paused, wondering if this idea could work. "I wanted to be by myself tonight, but Maki still wants to train - would you both mind accompanying her? I should go back to training tomorrow."

Tsumugi and Himiko nodded. "Of course! It'll be a girls night, right?" Tsumugi asked, glancing at Himiko - who nodded faster - and Maki, who smiled in her direction. Maki nodded in thanks to Shuichi, and then the three girls walked away to the courtyard to do some training.

Finally alone, Shuichi decided to look at the diary once again, before heading to his room to properly be alone and be able to fully focus on it.

I'll probably lie a lot while I'm here... I want this diary to be my place where I can tell the truth, no excuses, no getting out of it. I need something like this - otherwise I might lose my grip on what is real and what I made up. So... everything here will be the truth.

I found this book in my drawer in my room - I'm assuming everyone has one. I don't really understand anyone here yet, but... they seem nice so far. Maybe if we're lucky... no one will have to die. I don't trust anyone yet... but I can still have hope that we'll all survive.

Shuichi sighed, knowing how wrong Kokichi's statement was. If only everyone thought like that - then maybe no murders would have happened at all. Shuichi could only sigh, close the book and turn to head back to his room, hoping no more murders occur.

Once he got back to his room...

He could read the rest.

Hi everyone, this is a new story I'm writing - I wanted to write one on Kokichi and Shuichi for a while, and then suddenly... this idea kinda popped into my head, haha. I think it'd be a good way to truly see what Kokichi is thinking when everything happened.

The sequence of events will be confusing to master, because I haven't actually played the game - I've only ever watched other people on YouTube play the Danganronpa games. I haven't seen the anime either - so I might be missing some things about Kokichi. I have done as much research as possible though, so hopefully I'm all good!

This - if you couldn't tell - takes place after Kokichi and Kaito's death, but before Kiibo goes berserk. That's why Shuichi couldn't go training - because Shuichi needs that time to read Kokichi's diary instead.

Essentially, this story will be based on the events from V3 - but in Kokichi's perspective, and with Shuichi's commentary on what he's reading. I've tried to keep everything in chronological order, but I guess we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this story!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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