The Final Truth - Chapter Six

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Shuichi felt his blood run cold as he got to one of the most traumatic events of his life - Kaede's death - written down on pen and paper. His curiosity may want to know Kokichi's opinion about her death, but the one slim part of Shuichi's brain that was still sane, begged his curiosity to shut up.

It didn't, and with a sigh, Shuichi began to read.

Wow. I genuinely had no idea it was Kaede.

She is was one of my favourite people in this school. She always seemed so bright, so cheery, so full of life. And now all that life is gone.

I... I had to say something to her before she was... I told her she 'wasn't boring'. I hope she understood how truthful I really was in that statement. Kaede was the most interesting person - she was able to be so friendly and trusting, while also so selfless. Selfless enough to do something at only the most selfish people in the world do - jut to try and save everyone.

Shinichi is probably much more upset than the rest of us. I feel so bad - I really thought he was the killer... I'll make sure I know the true killers from now on - I'll try a lot harder in the investigations from now on! I'll make sure no one risks death at the trial other than the blackened.

Shuichi sighed, sensing how determined Kokichi was in the last paragraph. Thinking back on it, Kokichi had always seemed to know who the culprit was - and seemed to spend all his time leading Shuichi around during the trials - sometimes directing him to a misleading answer, but always acting as a safety net for them all.

He really seemed to like Kaede - and Shuichi could see why. Kaede never lied to anyone, but also kept spirits high, and motivated the group to be strong as one. She treated everyone with kindness. She honestly seemed to be the opposite of Kokichi - or at least the opposite of his faked persona - the one who always lies, who thinks only of himself.

Shuichi's chest felt hollow, empty, incomplete. Kokichi... Kokichi seemed to believe that Shuichi was the killer. He almost seemed to... wish that Shuichi was the killer. And the way that he wrote 'blackened'... it was almost as if Kokichi expected there to be more killings.

To be honest, Shuichi had thought the same thing. Once Kaede broke that morality barrier, no matter what she said to any of them, more killings would follow, like a weakened dam. It shocked him how alike he and Kokichi were.

He sighed and turned the page, not wanting to read Kokichi's thoughts about Kaede's death further. He expected for his next entry to be the next morning, maybe even about his first proper interaction with Shuichi - Shuichi really couldn't forget that - but instead it was from what appears to be the middle of the night.

I can't sleep.

After Kaede died, I've been thinking.

I need to do... something. Anything.

Everyone's been so nervous after the trial, and I... I can't vouch for everyone's safety anymore. I woke up from a nightmare about an hour ago, and... I think I came up with something.

Kaede said there was a mastermind here - controlling everything from behind the scenes. This killing game has scared everyone - terrified them in fact. Everyone is afraid of each other - scared they'll be the next victim. But... if they had a common enemy then... maybe everyone would join together? They'd all fight against the enemy.

... The enemy doesn't have to be an actual enemy, right?

If I... if I pose as the mastermind then... if I get everyone to hate me then... then there's a chance... a chance that no one else will die. If there's a common enemy, then... everyone will be teammates, and not rivals. Yeah, that's what I'll do. It'll... it'll probably result in my death, but as long as everyone else gets to survive then... that's what I'll have to do.

Shuichi felt his breath catch in his throat. The earlier entries had already confirmed his self-sacrificial tendencies, but this was one of the few times Kokichi openly acknowledged that his actions would most likely lead to his death. And to be honest... they did. Kokichi took Kaito, separated himself from the others and did his best to make everyone hate him... just for this dumb mastermind plan!

He angrily slammed his hand against the wall, shaking in rage and loss. Kokichi really was gone... he was gone for everyone else's sake. Shuichi sighed. He wished Kokichi had been honest with him from the beginning - even if in his mind he knew Kokichi wouldn't have trusted him at that point yet.

Kokichi... Kokichi had always been a mystery. Shuichi had no idea about any of this - and he probably never would have, if Kokichi hadn't of asked Kaito to give Shuichi his diary. If Kokichi hadn't of wanted anyone to know... then no one would. What made Shuichi so special to him? What made him... what made him trustworthy?

Shuichi assumed he'd find out at some point. Hopefully the answers to his questions lay in this small black book. Part of him wanted to skip to the end - to find out what the last entry in the journal was, what he really thought of Shuichi before-

He shook his head. Now was not the time. In order to find the correct truth - the one and only truth - he would have to read everything chronologically. He might assume the wrong truth if he skipped to the end. He sighed...

... and turned the page.

He would solve the mystery of Kokichi Ouma.

Hi everyone! Sorry it took me a while to update, I don't really have an excuse, but I'll do my best to update as often as I can.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Kokichi has the idea of pretending to be the mastermind now! Yay :D

And Shuichi once again ends up thinking about his death! Not yay D:

The next chapter should be out soon, I hope you're looking forward to it! Have a great day everyone!!!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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