The Final Truth - Chapter Three

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I just found this book - seems fairly old. I guess... it's something that everyone gets? Either way, as I put in the front of this book - diary? - is that I'm going to be completely honest here. It probably won't be easy, but it's only for my eyes anyway, so it's fine.

I don't really know what's going on here. I guess... we have to kill each other? Honestly, I'd rather die. I took a vow to be a pacifist with the other ten members of my group, I'm not going to kill anyone! The sooner we leave, the better.

Shuichi glanced at the words with a raised eyebrow. So Kokichi really did only have ten members like his motive video said. Still though, he didn't want to kill anyone? It was hard to wrap his head around, but... Shuichi believed him.

Shuichi had always believed him.

There was this boy... he spent most of his time with a girl with blonde hair, they both seem really nice and friendly. But this is a killing game - I can't trust either of them. Who knows who is really evil here? Who knows who'll kill first?

I can't let anyone think I'm weak. If they do then I might be up for killing next! For now, I'll just try to stay away from everyone, and figure out how I should portray myself in order to survive the longest. I could lie and make myself seem to be threatening? I'm the leader of a gang of ten, which are all pacifists - that wouldn't threaten anyone... maybe 10,000? That'd be a lot of members...

I don't know.

A killing game... one done for other people's entertainment... it's just not right. However, the only way to really stay safe is for the other students here to fear me. And for that... I'm going to have to pretend I actually like this sadistic game.

I just hope it all ends soon. I don't want to lie about something like this.

"This... makes a lot more sense..." Shuichi muttered to himself, glancing at the end of the page. He always felt like Kokichi himself was a façade - and it seems like he's correct. Kokichi had been lying from the start - lying out of fear. Shuichi felt a rush of pity and sorrow flood into his chest, realising how afraid Kokichi must've been this entire time - and that no one supported him.

A small spark of pain ignited within him, as he reread Kokichi's words - specifically about him doubting Shuichi and Kaede - Shuichi could only assume they were the students Kokichi were referencing after all.

Even though they had only just met, and Kokichi had plenty of reason to not trust either him or Kaede, it still hurt that Kokichi thought he'd be capable of murder. On the other hand, the one all of them suspected would kill - Kokichi - ended up dying with no blood on his hands. Shuichi partially wished Kokichi had killed someone instead of dying. At least then... he'd be able to have spent more time with him.

Shuichi shook his head. No, he shouldn't focus on thoughts like those. The fact of the matter is that Kokichi is dead. The thought send a painful bang into his chest, making him feel like the world was falling out under him, but it was the truth - and he had to accept it.

He turned the page.

I spent some more time with that girl - Kaede - today. She seems to put so much blind faith and trust in everyone, honestly I'm kinda jealous. Everyone loves her and she gets to be as truthful and supportive as she wants, whereas I'm trapped behind lies and fake masks. I very much doubt I'll be able to leave this place with friends, but... if I could pick one, I might pick her.

Shuichi felt a pang of jealousy hit his chest. Why would Kokichi choose Kaede? Yes, Kaede was nice, and kind, and sweet, and... alright, he understood why Kokichi would choose Kaede, but why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been him?

He caught sight of his name on the next page and focused back on his primary task - reading the diary (not trying to find out why his name was mentioned - definitely wasn't the reason for continuing to read the diary at aaaaaaall).

Shuichi seems really kind too. He's a bit shy though. I would hang around with him to try and make him happier, but he seems happy with Kaede. I wish I could hang around with them both. But I can't - who knows who'll betray me in the end. The kind people always die first, and the kind people always kill first. I just hope Shuichi and Kaede stay safe.

Gonta seems a bit strange, he mentioned to me that he found something, but hasn't elaborated yet, saying he'd rather wait until everyone arrives. I just hope he doesn't forget about it because my curiosity is piqued. Oh well - until then I can talk to Kiibo. He's an actual robot! How cool is that?!

Shuichi sighed, a fond smile on his face. At least Kokichi's infatuation with Kiibo wasn't a lie, although he wasn't sure whether Kiibo would want to know that. He felt a small hint of relief knowing that Kokichi also seemed to like him from the beginning as well - even if the belief that either him or Kaede would die first or start the murders first make him feel uneasy.

He mentioned Gonta finding something... probably the manhole they explored that led to... Shuichi shuddered, not wanting to remember what they found there. He wanted to forget the outside world existed at this point. However, if he remembered correctly, Kokichi had gotten super mad at Kaede when they tried to escape that first day. He wondered what Kokichi thought of that situation.

He wondered if he really should know Kokichi's thoughts on the situation. Maybe it'd be better not to know... no. He was a detective for a reason. He had to find the truth.

He turned the page.

Hiya! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter!

I hope I'm writing Kokichi correctly haha, I really don't wanna ruin his character.

Shuichi's feeling jealous of Kaedeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Anyways, next chapter will be on them escaping - or trying to escape haha - and Kokichi getting angry at Kaede probably. I'm trying to build up to trial one cause... you know XD

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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