The Final Truth - Chapter Two

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Shuichi sat down on his bed, feeling the soft fabric press against his legs and back, as he held Kokichi's book in front of him, as if it was about to blow up. Now he was thinking clearer... he was a bit more apprehensive than before. Was reading this really a good idea?

He sighed, and flung the book back down on the bed, struggling to convince himself to open it - however the book flipped open due to the toss, and landed back on the first page. Shuichi realised he hadn't finished reading the first page yet - there was an additional note at the bottom of it.

With a short gasp, Shuichi recognised his name - he was mentioned, and on the first page? He glanced closer and noticed there was a slight difference between the words he'd already read, and the small note at the bottom of the first page - showing it was written later on. Deciding that his curiosity would probably kill him someday, Shuichi began to read.

This is it. Now I'm certain of my fate, I wanted to write this here and now. If you're not Shuichi, then please don't read this. Please don't read any of this - not this page, or the one after it, or any of my diary. I hope that I remain a unique enigma to you all.

However I know my Shumai - and I very much doubt he'd be satisfied not reading this, and I... I said I'd be honest here - I trust him with the information contained in this book. Shuichi, if you're reading this, then please don't spread this information around. The words you find in this book are for your eyes only. A sort of... will, I guess?

This is funny, if I knew this morning I'd be writing my will right now, I'd have probably gone through the day differently. Conversed with others differently. Been more honest. Who knows? I guess, if this is how things are going to end, then... I guess that's just how it is. I just need to accept it now and do what I can to save everyone else.

"Save everyone else...?" Shuichi muttered, confused, reading the end of the note. He nodded as he read the plea of him not telling anyone else what he reads - which of course he agrees to - he's not evil after all. "I guess everything here is for my eyes only..."

His eyes burned in frustration and sorrow, as he could tell Kokichi wrote this after he had decided upon his plan to die at the press. He could sense the powerlessness from the words Kokichi wrote - he knew he was about to die. Shuichi lifted the book back up in anger - to throw it and hit it against the wall - but at the last second dropped the book back onto the bed.

He never wanted Kokichi to die - he never wanted anyone to die, but... out of everyone here, except maybe Maki, he never expected Kokichi to die. Did Kokichi... even think anyone wanted him to be alive? Shuichi sighed, picking the book back up once again, wiping at his eyes. He wanted Kokichi to still be alive, he cared about the brat. Of course, he wished everyone was still alive, but... with Kokichi gone, it felt like a large part of his heart was just... gone.

His eyes sharpened, as he spotted a few tiny lines written underneath the note, and it appeared someone had tried to scribble them out - which hadn't of worked, as Shuichi, squinting his eyes shit, was barely able to make them out.

I hope this works. Otherwise my death will have been for nothing.

I don't want to die. I'm scared.

I'll miss you all.

I'll miss you ----------

Shuichi gasped, backing away from where he was sitting, dropping the book there, and scooting away until his back hit the wall. He breathed deeply multiple times, not bothering to try and stop his tears. Kokichi... was scared? He... didn't want to die?

Of course he didn't - no one would. But reading Kokichi's pure emotions, his pure fear, make Shuichi finally fall off the edge. With a sudden jump in his chest, he bolted from the bed and rushed to his bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. He couldn't bear to imagine Kokichi... silent tears streaming down his face as he finished his note... passed the book to Kaito... sat down under the press... watched it inch closer...

Shuichi shook his head madly. This was not the time to be thinking about this. He grabbed a nearby towel and wiped his mouth, rinsing with water and brushing his teeth for good measure, before returning to his bed - and to the book.

He carefully picked it up and noticed the tear stains that marked the last few lines. Shuichi couldn't tell whether they were Kokichi's or his own, but either way, it didn't really matter to him. He knew how he felt, and he could tell how Kokichi felt. If it was up to him, that tear mark would've somehow been made by them both.

Not wanting to stare at those ominous words any longer, he went to flick the page forward when he spotted the redacted name. Unlike the other words, which hadn't been crossed out enough for Shuichi not to read them - this word, this name, was completely illegible. Shuichi had no way of knowing whose name it was. However, based on the earlier messages and general context... it was probably... his own name - Shuichi.

"He... seemed to really care about me..." Shuichi muttered to himself, tracing the marks with his finger. Thinking back on his memories with Kokichi, he did always seem to care about Shuichi. He wasn't exactly sure when it started - maybe Kokichi had always felt that way - but whether it was his nickname of 'Shumai' or whether they just locked eyes across a room... he'd always felt a certain warmth with Kokichi that he never felt with anyone else - not even with Kaito or Maki... or even Kaede.

Which is why he had to read this diary.

For Kokichi - to understand him. To finally figure him out. To trust him.

To remember him.

Shuichi turned to the next page.

New chapter! Hope you all enjoyed reading!

I'm gonna ask you all to forget about Kiibo - his attack on the school probably would've started by now, so let's just pretend that doesn't happen until SUPER late at night or something, which gives Shuichi enough time to read the book XD

Anyways, I didn't intend to get so sad straight away, I planned to kinda work up to it, but then I realised he'd probably write something sentimental on the first page, as then Shuichi would be more likely to read it. So yea! Saaaaaadness :D

I'm going to do my best to stick to chronological order - which starts with them all meeting for the first time! I hope you all look forward to that!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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