The Final Truth - Chapter Five

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Shuichi slowly lifted his head, recognising the slight sunlight attacking his face. Morning already? Did he... did he fall asleep? His tears had dried hours ago, but his cheeks and eyes still ached.

"I guess that's what falling asleep on the floor will do to you." Shuichi muttered to himself, standing and stretching slightly. He gave Kokichi's diary a longing glance, pangs of hurt and guilt attacking his chest, before picking it up and leaving the room. He wanted to keep reading it, there honestly wasn't much else to do here anyway, but he should probably eat something first.

He entered the cafeteria and sat down, grabbing a small piece of toast. He buttered it slowly, wondering if he was going to bump into anyone today. Just 24 hours ago, everyone had gathered in the cafeteria, hope and determination in their eyes - to save someone who already had their fate sealed. Shuichi honestly didn't expect to see anyone that morning.

Which was why he was surprised to bump into Tsumugi.

"Oh, Shuichi, hi!" She cheerfully waved. Shuichi frowned, wanting to be left alone, but he respectfully waved back, giving her a small nod in acknowledgement, before turning away and sitting down, toast in one hand and book in another. He placed down the plate and then went to grab a drink.

"Shuichi, wouldn't it be easier to grab your breakfast with both your hands free?" Tsumugi asked, gesturing to the diary in Shuichi's hand.

His grip tightened on it. "Yeah. Probably." He responded coldly, his voice sharp, as his grip on the book tightened further, trying to make it clear that the conversation was over. He didn't want to talk to anyone - he just wanted to eat and read. The least he could do for Kokichi was not have his attention divided. He could at least put his full attention onto Kokichi's diary while he read it. It was the least he could do for the person he had failed.

Tsumugi flinched slightly in surprise, but Shuichi couldn't find it in himself to feel regretful about what he said or how he said it. He just wanted her to leave him alone so he could eat quickly and then head back to his room.

He glanced at the food he had planned to eat, but no longer felt hungry. He sighed, placing the diary under his arm, and grabbing the plate with one hand and his drink in the other. Since he was no longer hungry, he'd just eat later. There's no point in wasting food, so he'd just bring them to his room.

Tsumugi called after him as he walked away, but he didn't respond, wanting to be alone. He passed Kiibo and Himiko on their way to the cafeteria as he passed, but he didn't greet them. He saw no sign of Maki.

But in that moment he didn't care.

He just wanted to be alone.

He sighed as he entered his bedroom, placing the food and drink down on the table, before going back to his bed and lying down on it. Part of him was afraid to continue reading Kokichi's diary... was what he'd find something he'd want to read? Was what he'd find... something he'd actually want to know?

Shuichi sighed once again, reminding him of a constantly running fan, and turned on his side, the book tucked under his arm as he moved. Now facing the wall, the same questions ran through his head. Even though he already knew his answer... it took a bit of time to work up the courage to open the book again.

And the page he turned to made his blood freeze just from the first sentence.

Rantaro is dead.

Someone killed him. One of us committed murder.

I thought we were all going to die, that we were all going to hold out and allow the Exisals to kill us as we revolted but... someone actually did it.

Honestly, part of me feels relieved. I didn't want to die. It's a thought that's difficult to comprehend. I spent most of my day just sitting on my bed in this room, staring at this diary but not writing anything, unsure what sort of will I'd write. I guess... I'd leave my items to Shuichi and Kaede? They've been the nicest to me so far. Although at this rate none of that would matter since we're probably all going to die at some point.

Shuichi is the Ultimate Detective. I have faith that he'll find the answer and the murderer will be uncovered. A small part of me is concerned that Shuichi is the culprit and he'll use our faith in his talent as Ultimate Detective to make us believe someone else did it, but if I can't trust Shuichi and Kaede then I can't really trust anyone.

Shuichi felt like time was slowing down, as his concern for Kokichi's sanity only increased. Kokichi had taken a liking to them both at first, although he also saw Kokichi around Gonta and Kiibo a lot, before the first trial. Either way - Kokichi had trusted him and Kaede from the start. He had put his faith in them.

And yet - in the first trial it was almost confirmed that Shuichi killed Rantaro, and then it was revealed that... that... Kaede ended up being the murderer. Both of the people Kokichi trusted... his faith practically shoved back into his face. Shuichi could only imagine how awful Kokichi must've felt after all that.

With each page he turned, Shuichi found it more painful to read, knowing Kokichi's eventual fate - as if this book was a story he'd already read several years ago, with the painful conclusion burned into his mind. With each word, the person he thought he knew as Kokichi cracked, and this new illusion seemed to grow more opaque and clear.

Who was Kokichi really...?

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I had work (part time job) and it's a struggle to update on days I have to work (usually just Saturdays). I'll try to update as often as I can though!

So now Rantaro has died, yayyyyyyy... I liked Rantaro a lot, I never wanted him to die :'(

Oh, and like I said on the previous chapter - just... forget about Kiibo lol, I know I'm messing with the timeline, but I couldn't make Shuichi read the entire thing in just a few hours. I tried but I couldn't XD

Anyways, I think you all know what's going to be next. I think I'm going to have to edit my book's blurb to add major spoilers for V3... Probably should've done that from the start. Oh, but this takes place before the final trial, so I guess not everything will be spoilt XD

See you guys again soon!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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