The Final Truth - Chapter Nine

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Shuichi opened the door to his dorm, sighing slightly as he stepped inside, and almost immediately walked over to the desk and picked up Kokichi's book. He felt overwhelming intense curiosity build within him as he stared at the cover, and thumbed through the pages he'd already read, wanting to know, to understand, what Kokichi had written next.

"The next thing would be... the motive videos..." Shuichi muttered to himself, as he flipped through the pages. The pieces of paper felt crisp against his skin, new, untouched. As if the enigma called Ouma never existed in the first place. But Shuichi knew he had. No one could have made an impact on his life quite like Kokichi had done to him.

With a sigh, he found the page he had just finished reading before his walk outside and turned it to the next one.

I hate bugs. I hate them with a burning passion. Their weird wings and buzzing and crawling and argh. I get they're useful for the world and necessary for the circle of life or whatever, but jeeeeeeeeez they're just... creepy!

Shuichi tried hard not to laugh but failed, a small chuckle escaping from within him as he read Kokichi's words. He was not expecting to read a rant about bugs as soon as he turned the page. Kokichi really was something else.

The smile remained on his face as he continued to read. He skimmed slightly through the massive five paragraph rant Kokichi had on bugs, and moved onto the sixth paragraph, his smile slowly fading as the one-sided conversation turned slightly more serious.

... either way, no matter how afraid of them I am, I need to do this, to be here, to get those videos. Gonta is the only person strong enough and gullible enough to help me. Even if it means I end up trapped in that... lab... of Gonta's. It'd be worth it, if my plan for the videos works.

And yet even so... I honestly don't think it will work. Oh well. Either way, it's a win/win. We either swap the videos, or everyone becomes more suspicious of me. Manipulating Gonta is easy, he's incredibly gullible, any one of us could do it. However, just the idea of manipulating someone seems threatening, which is the entire point. If I want to be thought of as the mastermind then... I guess I just have to work harder. Do something more... extreme. I guess I'll have to think about it a little more.

Was this... no. Kokichi couldn't possibly be talking about... could he? By 'extreme', he couldn't possibly mean... no. No, Kokichi wouldn't have planned out something like Gonta's killing of Miu. He manipulated Gonta sure, but only because Miu was going to kill Kokichi if he did nothing... right?

Shuichi sighed. "I guess I'll find out the answer later..." He muttered to himself quietly, flicking through past pages. He rested his eyes on the very beginning pages - specifically to the notes Kokichi wrote in his last moments - and felt a surge of determination course through him. He could do this. He would do this. For Kokichi.

He flipped back to where he was before, and continued to read.

Anyway, I planned out everything and told Gonta that everyone seems to hate bugs - he ranted about it for a bit before storming out of his lab. I'm just writing here while I wait for him to return. I don't really have much to say though, hm...

You know, I had a weird dream last night. I was in a house, with Shuichi, and there was this cat? The cat was cute, the perfect Ultimate Supreme Leader evil cat - I just wish I had a wheelie chair that I could spin around on, with the cat on my lap. Oh well, it's not as if the cat is real anyway, just a... figment of my imagination. My overreactive, stupid, imagination.

For some reason, Shuichi felt like the cat represented something, however he couldn't figure out what it was, and instead decided to brush the thought aside to continue reading.

I'm writing in secret now - Gonta brought back the first few people, I'm currently hiding my book from them and writing in the corner - they haven't noticed me yet. Hm... out of everyone still not here, I can probably guess who won't turn up. I doubt Kirumi will be convinced no matter what Gonta does - same with Maki. Oh, speaking of Maki... actually, I'll just save that for next entry.

Anyway where was I? Oh right, the guessing. So, Kirumi, Maki... Miu would probably be able to get out of it somehow too. I doubt Shuichi will turn up either, he's pretty smart. Everyone else I expect will turn up, even if it's against their will. Kidnapping isn't a crime if I don't actually do it!!

Shuichi yet again sighed. "It's still a crime by association..." He muttered to himself, as he reached the end of the page. He paused, torn between continuing to read, and taking a short break. Even though it felt like he'd made no progress at all, two hours had already gone by. Kokichi really makes the time feel like it's flying by, huh...?

He stood and stretched, yawning slightly as he moved from side to side. What should he do next, should he stay, or should he go...? He wanted to continue reading, but the others might have gotten worried by now, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't slightly hungry. More than that though, he wanted to check on his friends - he hadn't really talked with any of them after-


Someone's... at the door?

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter - and I also hope you had a great Easter! If you don't celebrate it then don't worry haha, and I hope you had a good... regular day! These chapters are fun, but challenging to write, however I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Self-promotion time! Yes this is again about my Wattpad Discord server - I meant to include a link last time and I didn't, so... If you want to keep up to date with my writing, chat with me or ask Danganronpa characters questions, well this server has all of that! Enjoy!

Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you all again soon.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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