The sorting circle

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"Look! We're here!" Gravis cheered as the train stopped.

As they stepped off the train with all their stuff another boy rushed up to them.

"Hey bro! I see you made a new friend before me!"

"Karlof...." Gravis groaned. "This is Griffin Turner! My... brother..."

"Really? Are you twins? You look like you're the same age!" Karlof frowned.

"Actually Gravis is three months older than me!" Griffin answered. "And please, call me Turner!"

"But... how?!"

"We're just half brother! We have the same dad..." Gravis sighed and looked down at the ground.


"First-year students follow me!"

They started following a man with long black hair dressed in red and wearing a green cape.

"My name is Acronix Gonzales! My element is time and I am the gatekeeper and keeper of keys and grounds here at the academy along with my brother!"

"Then where is he?" a girl with green hair asked.

"He'll meet us at the gate, he's... not really a fan of children... no offense!" Acronix muttered and started walking toward a bunch of small boats. "All of them are set on a course to take you to the academy! But they can max take three persons each plus their baggage!"

Karlof quickly got into one of the boats and Gravis and Turner sat down beside him with their baggage.

"Did... your da-"

"Yes... he had a relationship with both our moms without them knowing..." Turner sighed.

"Shortly after I turned five my... mother died... after that our father disappeared and no one knew where he was..."

"My mom found out about our father's affair and she realized that neither Gravis nor his mother knew about it and decided to adopt Gravis!"

"And she's awesome!" Gravis smiled. "But... I miss my birth mom!"

Karlof didn't know what else to do and hugged his new friend.

"I've been thinking about my real parents for a long time to growing up, not that I know how you feel since I was a baby when they passed but... Now that I know who they really were... I wish I knew them more!"

"Well, I'm sure you can ask your uncle more! And there's stuff to read about them! Their death is known all over Ninjago!"

Karlof sat there listening to his friend talking about his parents' death even though he knew the details from his uncle. He just wanted something to do while he waited for them to get there. He also continued eating his giant marshmallow careful not to eat the figure inside.

"We're here!" Acronix smiled and started helping everyone out of the boats.

Karlof looked up to see a huge castle and someone standing at the gate who pretty much looked like Acronix had just cloned a short-haired version of himself.

"So... you brought the kids..."

"Yes, Krux! If you haven't forgotten, that's our job!"

"Did you two attend the academy too?" Karlof asked.

"Yes..." Acronix mumbled. "But we got expelled for ehrm... breaking school rules! Fortunately, Wu gave us a job here when we got old enough!"

"I mean honestly even though I wish we didn't get expelled I like living here!" Krux muttered. "We get to do what we want and we have our own cottage that's pretty close to the academy!"

The masters who lived (Ninjago and Harry Potter crossover)Where stories live. Discover now