Chapter 56

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How do i feel?
I feel angry,
I feel disappointed ,
I feel annoyed ,
I feel very troubled .
And it's bad that I don't even know why I feel the way that I feel.
Everytime I does try hard  to be in a good mood.
But everytime it's something different I have to go through.
And with that it changes my mood.
They say change is good ,
Why when I go through changes I feel lost and stuck in how I suppose to feel or what am suppose to do.
The only emotion I quickly feel is anger .
As it spreads through my entire body .
I try and try to be a better person,daughter, friend,cousin ,sister and classmate etc .
But it doesn't work out,beacause am always the bad one .
Am also the wicked of them all or so am being told .
Am just stuck in my head so much , in this  space where everything is so dark .
It's scary and dangerous ,When your stuck in your mind,where all your fears lay and your just trap inside where nobody is there  to save you.
That place is the darkest place you can ever be ....

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