Chapter 3

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Some guys just don't know what is NO . Some just so blinded by the lust or greed that they will go deaf when the girl is trying to state she does not want that ‼️.

She does not want sex ‼️
She does not want to be touch ‼️
She feel uncomfortable ‼️

But nope they don't hear ... they never seem to hear the voice of a girl stating NO .

A lot of victims that been rape have to suffer from that trauma .
They suffer mentally from the images in their head , emotionally from the distress and physically from the bruises that been left .

These persons that been hurt ,a lot of people can't understand their pain , their breakdowns ,their anger ,their hurt and their suffering .

People mostly blame the girls
Like its their fault because why are they dress that way ?
Why couldn't they say they don't want that ?
Couldn't they of push and made it clear they don't want sex?

But those is the question only a person who have never been in the situation before or felt that kind of pain will say. Who doesn't understand how the world is today .

Sometimes some girls are lucky that they got away or someone came to save them before it got to the part where they are being rape

But the trauma is still there being touch when don't want to be touch 🙅🏾‍♀️

Being scared of what's going happen next having them question is this really going to happen 😪

Being uncomfortable because someone is forcefully keeping you trap when u want to be free 🤦🏾‍♀️

Life now a days is cruel everyone seems lost on what's right and what wrong
A lot of things are being accepted which should be punished
A lot of people go free when they suppose face consequences

Rape is something so low and cruel that a human can do
It happens to both genders boys and girls.

NO Is NO 🙅🏾‍♀️

STOP is STOP🙅🏾‍♀️


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