The Devil's Sons (Shownus Desires)

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Nicole & Shownu
Chapter one
Before Morocco Nicole was your average human being. Her circumstances were normal. She worked hard and tried to make a living. She cherished her family and friends and tried to be there always for them. Nicole had a hobby she hid from everyone though. She was a practising Witch. She had a Coven made up of some of the similar minded women like her. She hid it because in her country it was not a thing to be open about. Nicole loved her ritual's which focused mainly on cleansing the soul and for enrichment of the body. Everyone had elements that called to them. Nicole's element was water. She connected to water and the moon. Tonight was a full moon ritual. She and her three other friend's that formed her coven were going to make a offering to the moon goddess and the water daemon.
The full moon is said to be when the moon goddess Selene drives her Chariot across the skies affecting the seas and water bodies. Water Daemons were said to come forth for the rays of her blessings.
Selene was rumoured to have birthed many daughters for a mortal she loved called Endymion. Her daughter's were rumoured to be the cycles of the moon. Water Daemons were spirits that either blessed or cursed those that venture on the sea. This was the Dieties that Nicole chose to follow and worship.
The ocean side was cool and the air crisp.The four women stood in long white dresses holding four chalice's in their hands. Around the fire they held their hands upwards to the big yellow moon in the sky and chanted..
"Mother Goddess,look and see,
This Goblet that I offer thee,
I call upon your strengths and might,
Guide our words and actions,
Lady of the Silver moon, watch over us,
Grant us the Magick..."
They did this for 13 times while walking around the fire. The wind picked up and the sea tossed more than usual.
Far up in the constellation's the moon goddess Selene sensed one of her true daughters sending offerings to her and she ran into her ritual room. There she Saw her in brilliant white surrounded by the holy white glow that identified her as a Moonchild. Selene smiled. There was daughter number 13. Selene raised her arms and called to Thimber the Water daemon nearest to her child.
"Grant her the world. My child has suffered enough in that wretched world" she commanded. He nodded and swooped back to the earth to grant her wishes.
Nicole and her coven both felt the power raise up within them. But for Nicole it was most intense in fact she fell to the sand in a Dead faint. Her friends got scared and broke the circle. They fell on their knees but Thimber showed himself.
"Leave her fact you all can go
.you will be blessed"and he motioned for them to leave. As if in a trance they left. Thimber lifted Nicole's unconscious form and went back into the water. As he stepped into the water it parted and made a path for him. Soon he disappeared in the darkness.
Miles away in a huge Gothic mansion a tall man stood in a trance. His shoulders broad and his hips slim. He had strong legs. His hair was thick and dark brown flecked with streaks of gold. He was of Asian race and his thick lips were pursed in concentration. Huge leathery wings arched out of his shoulder blades. Veins stretched outwards. His fingers nails extended into claws. He took a deep breath and smoke flew outwards. This was Sohn Hyun Woo,  Lucifer's first born. Born was a stretch really. He and his six other brothers were Created by their father. Formed from bone and blood taken from Lucifer himself he created his Seven beloved sons. All were Reapers of Souls and lived both on Earth and Hell. Shownu as his brothers called him was the first son and he was merged with the Black Dragon. Said to be the most vicious and evils of all dragons he lived up to the reputation. He was merciless with the run away souls. Most of the time those souls were destroyed before he took them to Purgatory. Half Dragon half Demon. He communed with the moon goddess. His choice baffled his Father and brothers. But for some reason he has been drawn to Moon. Now he communed with her and what she was saying to him made his blood boil. Hence the reason for his halfway morph. In his vision he saw eyes looking back at his in awee then fright. Eyes shaped like jewels and fringed in thick eyelashes. As he pulled out of the vision he saw his brother had silently came to stand next to him.
"Good news or bad?"asked Wonho.
"The worst possible kind!"he answered and jumped off of the roof. His body undulated mid air and a huge black dragon took flight,in the moonlight glow  fleck's of gold tinged his entire body. His brother saluted him from the roof. He shook his shoulders and huge black wings rimmed in deep red that glittered darkly in the moonlight unfolded from his back..,
"Show off...My wings are cool too huh"...he said petulantly and followed his brother and jumped off the roof and soared high in the sky.
The scent of burning wood filled Nicole's nostrils. Slowly she opened her eyes. A figure that was built huge and tall stood in front of her. His legs thick like oak trees. But it was his skin that facinated her. It was red inlaid with deep blue. When he moved it rippled in the light. It was like the ocean when the sun was setting. Other things began to register to her. There was a iv hooked to her veins. And her blood was being drained! She couldn't move even if she wanted. That was how weak she was. She looked at the blood draining out of her body and tears welled up. How did she come to this place from the shore?
The figure heard her sniffle and came over,he reached out his hand to her hair and patted it softly
"To be reborned you must leave your past life. Death is the door of new beginnings my child. Don't be afraid and embrace your new life." And as if he had put her in a trance her eyes closed.

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