The Devil's Sons Shownus Desires

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Nicole pov...
The church was tall and  goth looking. The images portrayed in the art work on the outer building was obscene to say the least. Figures that were meant to seem like they were worshipping at the foot of Christ, but if you looked closer you could make out the sneers and wicked looks on their faces. I shuddered, the church of Dark was exactly that, Dark. I followed Shownu and Wonho was behind me. I got the feeling that they thought if they put me between two men built like a building I'd be safer. The fact that I'd taken down men bigger than both I had kept to myself. Shownu it seemed was the macho type. But then what should I have expected from a freaking Dragon. Getting him to agree for me to come had been a huge headache. But now I followed them into the dank dark recesses of the unholy church. Immediately I got a chill,being a Empath I could sense supernatural essences immediately. And the vibe I was getting was...well what the Fuck!! It felt erotic. Like their was a succubus or incubus around.
'Something isn't right, I Sense lust demons" I said softly. All seven men looked at me incredulous.
"In a church?" Mused Changkyun, his long hair fell sensuously over his eyes and he literally looked like a sex demon himself. I shook my head, these men were alphas and gave off some really strong pheromones.
"Split into top and bottom we'll find them" instructed Kihyun. And they split into two.. Jooheon, Minhyuk and Changkyun going high and Shownu, Wonho, and me low... Kihyun and Hyungwon went around. My senses went into overload near a huge oak door. I pointed at it.
Shownu turned to me,
"You stay right here ok, " but I was already shaking my head at him. Wonho decided that the mission was more important than our argument.
"Bro let's move, we don't want to give them time to sense us."
They pushed the door open and the sight that met us was one straight out of a porn show. Men and women in varying states of undress entwined with each other. The scent of sex was pungent in the air and our senses went into overdrive. But I had ran the hunt and sex was a huge part of it and I knew how to control my desires. I searched the mass of bodies. I moved forward, and immediately I saw the demons. They were having a hard time keeping their True selves hidden and their eyes were blood Red. I touched Shownu and pointed out the ones I'd seen. He went into fight mode immediately and took a running start and were at their throats before they could react. Claws extended from his fingers and he swiped their throats. Soon the pit was a mass of chaos as humans tried to get away from the blood bath that had began. But Shownu knew exactly who to hurt and who not to. Soon it was all over. Made me wonder why we needed all seven of them.
We lead the human people back in the main church.
"Care to tell us what kind of church you have here?" Asked Kihyun sternly.
The person who I assumed was the leader came forward and dropped to his knee.
"We were promised riches beyond our dreams and our greed came out, all they wanted was to coupulate with us,we didn't see the harm in it. Who are you to stop it?" He growled even tho he was in a submissive position. Which made me realize he knew that they weren't human so he was showing submission but still being defiant. Odd. Kihyun made a phone call and after a while the cult members were taken out of the church. We loaded back into the van. Something felt off to me. I got back out and went back into the church, Shownu was yelling at me but I didn't listen. I knew they would follow. I went back down into the dark recesses of the basement where we had found the demons. I walked carefully around the blood on the floor.  I saw the little nook as I rounded a spot. I felt a overwhelming feeling of evil from that little nook. I stepped forward and went into the nook and I realized I had passed thru a portal. They had made a riff in the church and whatever was in here was the Real reason we had come to this church not those lesser demon. I walked quietly along a slimy corridor. It was drippy and dank. There were sconces with rag filled flambeaus. I came out in a chamber room. In horror I noticed that it was a birthing chamber. Two human women were on platforms raised like alter tables and they were writhing in pain. They were swollen and in pain obviously in labour. Sitting on a raised Dais was a figure straight out of a nightmare. He was tall and human built but his body was scaly and grey. He had huge wings that were gnarly and ugly. His face was folds of flesh and muscle. Sharp teeth protruded and his eyes were yellow. He was naked except for a loin cloth. He was looking in anticipation at the spectacle before him. The tension rose, how was I going to backtrack before being seen. Slowly I backed up and crawled backwards.
" Isn't it rude to attend the birth of my spawn's and not say hello?" Said a slithery voice. I looked up and saw that the thing was looking directly at me. It had galmoured itself and was now a gorgeous blonde man. He stepped down from the dais his colorful thick silk robe dragging behind him. His body was naked and packed with muscle. He was handsome and fit, I had to remind myself of the creature it really was. He came and stood in front of me. I was panicked. He was overwhelming. He was using his power over me. But for the first time my alpha genes kicked in. And I felt power raise up inside me and I stood taller and my eyes blazed a burning sapphire Blue. He raised his eyebrows in shock and took a step back. He launched himself at me then,but I sidestepped and avoided his touch. I kicked him in the back and moved swiftly and held him. There was a flash of light and a man came thru the nook I had. Shownu. He came and took the man from my grip. My eyes were still blazing Blue and Shownu looked surprised. I went to the women and untied them but it was too late with a ripping howl Each woman screamed and their bodies was twisted into the air and out popped the spawns. Green liquid leaked from the spawns. The women were now slumped into the alters and lifeless. I felt no pulse. I looked at Shownu, even tho they were spawns of evil I could not kill them. But Wonho who had followed Shownu took them up and phased out right there. .
"Wha___?" I gasped.
" He's taking them to Father,they will be fostered in hell. They are innocent. Unlike this sack of shit!" Shownu indicated and without a blink of his eyes he snapped his neck.  And immediately the body disolved into ashes. I was a bit shock but not much. We worked our way back to the van.
"Never, leave like how you did just Now ok" Shownu grated and he took me in his arms and kissed me fiercely.  I gasped and struggled a bit but soon i melted into the kiss. He swooped his mouth on mines and I gasped. The kiss deepened and would have gotten hotter if Kihyun hadn't put his head out and said
"Bro,can we go before you decide to take her right here?" And I blushed. We loaded up and drove off. That was one batch we had taken care of. There were three hives. One down two to go.

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