The Devil's Sons Shownus Desires

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Shownu pov...
He soared high in the sky and took a deep breath of the fresh air. Up here in the mountains of the Isle of Man was secluded. They could be themselves in their natural form. The huge goth mansion that his brother had bought loomed ominously below him.  He hadn't fully turned, he'd just had his wings out. He was frustrated. Animal instinct made him want to take his Mate and make her his immediately. But the humanity whithin wanted to give her the chance to get to know him first. He was in a quarandry over which path he should take. He sighed and swooped down. He decided to wing it. He sensed his brothers were back. He landed on the patio and stopped short. There she was leaning on the post and looking facinated at him. His chest swelled with pride. He walked over to her,
"Hi," he said softly to her.
"Hi, the boys are back with info" she gestured inside. He moved closer and tucked a strand of red hair behind her ear and proceeded to watch the slow trail of red color stain her cheeks.
" Are you okay? Have you eaten?" He asked and she nodded. He sighed. He should take better care of her. He moved until he was leaning against the pillar right in front of her. She took a deep breath and moved forward so that they were body to body and again pride welled up inside him. This meant she wasn't rejecting him but was actually attracted to him.
Nicole pov....
I made the move closer to him. I needed to show him I cared. I wanted my mate. Honestly when you sense your Mate you immediately get attached to them. I felt lost without him whenever he walked away from me. My heart was aching. I touched his face and he closed his eyes and nuzzled my palm.  He reached out and pulled me up against him and buried his face in my neck. Nuzzling, then I felt the slight nips of his teeth and I moaned. Suddenly I felt the bite of his canines in my neck and I panicked. But he didn't stop. I felt the warm gush of blood on my neck and I knew he had marked me. I was his now. In fact I could sense his thoughts now,and he was filled with uncertainty. He was unsure of marking me because he didn't want to rush,but he hadn't been able to help himself. I basked in the wave of protection I felt from him. I arched my neck and he licked the spot healing it. He finally allowed me to move back a little.
" I'm sorry, but there is no going back now" he said.
"Did you hear me complaining?" I asked and looked deeply into his eyes letting him see that I was happy about it. He hugged me close and kissed me softly. It was a sweet kiss. One of promise and gentleness.......
When Nicole and Shownu walked inside the brothers could immediately tell she had been marked. The mate link extended to the brothers because of all of them being Alphas. And they could sense Nicole clearer. They didn't say anything because Shownu didn't like to be teased. He could easily get angry and burn them to a crisp. But really they were more interested in the information Hyungwon had obtained. He had taken Aya home and told her wait for him and he had gotten a tip about The General. He had entered Hell and found that the rebellion had grown. He had found a Demon Cell had travelled to Earth. They had to find the hive before they spawned because they would harm humans. He explained all this. The General it seemed was trying to weaken the portal between the worlds.
"So in conclusion we have to find this hive because they are meant to harm. The General plan is to overwhelm us with souls. "
The brothers duty was to take souls to Hell. They were supposed to find all the wayward ones and make sure they got there. Humans killed by demons unfortunately became black spirits meaning their souls were tainted. Therefore the brothers would be overrun with wicked spirits.  Minhyuk had searched and found a place they believe the Demon Hive was. It was a abandoned Church in the main island. This church had done rituals. It was a Church of Dark. It was the perfect place for a festering demon hive.
Nicole pov.....
I listened to the brothers make their plan to raid the demon hive. I wanted to join them. Timber had trained me in all forms of combat. I was a good fighter. He had said that I should be able to defend myself against all threat's. In fact my fighting skills was on par.
" Can I help.?' I asked in the silence. They all turned to me.
"This is dangerous Nicole,we don't advise it" answered Jooheon.
"I want to help, I can fight, I've been trained by the moon goddess warrior. And I've run in the Wild Hunt." I listed. They all looked at me in shock. The Wild Hunt was a blood thirsty run for full moon. The hunt was brutal. But I had felt the pull one night and Timber had allowed me to participate.
"She can come, she'll be by my side" said Shownu gruffly. And the others nodded. They finished their discussion.
"Okay now let's eat!" Said Kara.
The table was laden with food. She obviously knew what the brothers liked and was a great cook. I sat down next to Shownu and saw him reach for the huge turkey legs. He was a Dragon after all he must need lots of food. He looked like he loved to eat. I served myself chicken and potato salad. The boys were boisterous when eating. Laughing and conversing. I liked the atmosphere.

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