The Devil's Sons Shownus Desires

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At the huge house Kara grabbed me as soon as I entered the house and pulled me behind her.
"So Nicole, since Shownu has marked you I assume you are going to give him a chance?' she asked without giving me a chance to breath.
"Obviously, was there ever a doubt really?" I mused.
She jumped up and clapped and danced. She obviously had a feel for how to welcome a batch of people who had just killed demons,not! But I loved her enthusiasm.
"How about a mating ceremony?" She squealed just as the rest of the men came in. Jooheon sighed and patted Shownu on the shoulders. He knew when Kara had a idea in her head it never left and she was like a dog with a bone about it.  Usually he just went along with the tidal wave.
"Am isn't that a bit weird?" I asked. Shownu and I had only acknowledge each other for a few days now. Mating ceremony?
Kara face fell but I wouldn't budge. Mr. Dragon and I had some things to thrash out before any kinda binding ceremony could take place.
"Kara,he and I need to get some things straightened out first and if it goes well, you'll be the first to know and then you can plan whatever you wish" I said consolingly to her to which her face brighten and she smiled. I patted her on her back and did something I rarely ever did. I phased, into my room directly. I was sticky and exhausted. I took a quick shower and dressed in a flowy black dress with pockets. I slipped my phone into it and went out on the gallery. I dialed a number
"Heyyy so you never called me, what's up!!"I literally yelled into the phone.
"Bish!! I'm not even in the same world as you right now!" Kim said sounding disturbingly far.
"Wait WHAT????" I yell. But the connection cut. I had one thought.. Wonho...
I ran out of my room and down the corridor and ran smack into a slender body.
"Whoahh, where's the fire?" Said a mischievous voice heavily accented. Minhyuk ahh he could help to.
"I just called my friend Kim,she said she wasn't in the same world as me and then the phone cut. She has to be in Otherworld. Technology barely work's there. Can you find out for me?" I rushed. But he got everything. He mind linked Wonho and poof there he was.
"Why do you assume she's in Otherworld?" Asked Wonho mildly. He had escorted Kim home.
"Because its not the first time, she's attracted to Fae and she can be lured easily. Wonho she was there for Solstice. She's in danger there." Wonho smiled.
"I'm the Faery King sweetheart, nobody would harm your friend I'll find her. " He said and kissed me gently on the cheek. Minhyuk followed him. Saying over his shoulders
"There's enough brothers to fight here I'll go with Wonho!' and they both cracked out their wings and flew off.
I hoped everything was going to be fine for Kim. Tiredly I trudged back to my room and found a brooding dragon waiting. I sighed and he straightened up.
"Everything ok?"he asked mildly. But I knew he had heard everything,damn dragon hearing.
"Wonho will fix it I'm sure, Kim is in the Otherworld and I can't go help her cuz I'm being hunted by blood demons!" I sighed. He reached for me and my mark responded and I let him pull me into his arms.
"We have to talk, you know that right?!" I groaned as his hands massaged my neck and shoulders. He nodded and lifted me up. He walked into the room and put me into the bed and tucked me up against his body. I snuggled in and unable to utter another word I fell fast asleep. I knew I had to recharge in the moonlight soon. My powers were dimmed. Sleep claimed me and I drifted away tucked safely in the arms of my love.
Shownu pov....
His mind link to Nicole alerted him of her panick and he'd sped to her room. But she had taken care of her problem by herself. It made him uncomfortable just how independent she actually was. But he was also Proud. He didn't think he would have tolerated a clingy mate. Wonho would deal with whatever situation Nicole's friend had gotten herself into. When he saw how tired she was he took her into his arms and put her to bed. Tucked up against him she'd fallen asleep soundly. He sighed and looked at her sleeping form. She was tiny against him. Her breath even and deep. She looked peaceful and he was proud. That meant she felt safe with him. This general looking for her was making him angry. The General had hidden himself away very nicely. But Shownu had a ability that only his brothers knew and it was Blood Scrying. He had drained the blood of the Daemon they had killed, and soon he would scry and find the Generals location. Only hive spawn would know where he was. But until then he'd take care of his mate. He sensed that she was burnt out and would soon need a moonlight ritual to rejuvenate. He sighed and pulled her more comfortably in his arms and closed his eyes. Even Dragons needed sleep.
The mist was thick and cold. I wandered slowly through it. The feeling of being watched never left me. I hissed when something cold swept pass me. I tried to use my sharp vision but the mist was thick and black like a veil that could not be pierced. Then screaming filled my ears and they sounded familiar,they sounded like my friends. Who was hurting them?? I cried out and took off running sobbing as I felt every ache of theirs. Suddenly I fell forward and immediately the scene changed. I'm dreaming I think, but it felt real. The mist had dissipated but now it was replaced by rocks steaming hot rocks that gave off waves of heat that made my skin feel like it was peeling off. The wind picked up and I fought against the heat and tried to move in the direction of my friends cries. Step after step i got closer. My skin screamed in pain and had gotten red and raw looking but still I moved forward. Howling filled my ears and I looked back and saw two pairs of deep red eyes glowing in the dark amongst the rocks. Hellhounds! They growled deep in their throats and moved forward like a unit. They were slick and blood dripped off their muzzles. They stalked me as I tried to keep a eye on them and move forward to help my friends. Unable to stand the strain i gave up and took off in a run. They roared and sped up herding me into a huge crevice in the rocks. I slipped through just as the closest on snapped at me. I felt its thick hot breath on my neck as I tumbled forward and fell. I stayed there trying to catch my breath. Hands lifted me up and I gazed into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. His face was chiseled and sharp and so beautiful. He looked like a Greek God. He smiled and took me into his arms and said,
"You are a true warrior,my son has chosen well," ......
His face faded from my gaze and abruptly I woke. I was wrapped up in the steaming arms of a huge Dragon. No wonder I'd dreamt of fucking Hell!
I moved and turned and immediately he was awake and looking at me.
"What's the matter?"
I looked at him and I was hit suddenly by the absurdity of it...
"I think I just met your Father in my dreams!" I said and suddenly peels of laughter rang out from me. Talk about meeting the Parents!!
Shownu pov....
He had felt the changes in Nicole's body immediately. But at her words he wanted to curse. Had his Father really tested her in Hell? She was busy explaining what she had dreamt after finally managing to stop laughing.  He had enjoyed that sound. She had sounded free and happy.
"I'll talk to him!"he growled. But she grabbed his shoulder and turned him to her.
"Of course not! I want to actually meet him now. The actual devil,haha!" She giggled at him. His Father must have made a impressive impression on her. He pouted and she laughed Even harder
"You surely aren't jealous of your Father??!!!" She exclaimed. He pulled her down and flipped her so that she was under him flush. She gasped and arched so that she was even closer to him. He growled.She nipped his chin.
" What are your intentions sir?" She said arching a eyebrow at him. He groaned. She was too damn cute. He could eat her up. He moved off her and scooted next to the edge of the bed.
"We need to talk,"he said. And she put her tiny hands on his back and moved to sit next to him.
"Yes we do, I have one condition and I'll agree to anything you say after your answer"she said softly. He nodded and indicated for her to go ahead.
"Never treat me like a slave or a possession, always let me know what you feel. Don't shut me out. And just know that I won't back down on any of the issues I think are important to me." She listed. He looked at her and a huge smile lifted his face. His eyes disappeared and he looked so cute that she leaned forward and kissed him on his nose.
" Done, so shall we tell Kara to organize the ceremony?" He asked and she smiled and nodded. The bond was like a binding tie to their souls. Really no matter how much time may have passed they could not live without each other even if they tried. Nicole bounded up and took off calling Kara name. She was excited now. It was Maybe the most girly she had ever acted.

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