TBI: Chapter 34

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I immediately was regretting letting Hart drag me out of bed to come here.

We weren't even inside the building yet and I was already starting to get anxiety. I'd never been in his room before--what if I accidentally knocked something over that he valued? Like... like his ankh! Yeah, he has an ankh statue and it's cool as fuck--I don't wanna knock that over! And what if he actually hates me now? What if he's planning on revoking his guardianship and sending me back to my mom?

Fuckin' fuck.

"Hart, let's go get Chipotle first--" I gasped as he tugged me along, the force of it more than expected. Not like he could completely control it.

"I'll talk to him first," He told me, "Trust me, Ming... it'll be okay, somehow."

I shuddered at that, my breath shaky as I numbly let him drag me along. This felt way worse than the aftermath of guilt I felt when I punched James--way worse than when my mom kicked me out.

"I can't do this," I said, "I can't, Hart, I--" I quieted when he looked at me, a gentle, loving, caring expression on his soft features. He stopped dragging me along, cupping my face and pressing a long kiss to my forehead.

"You can, Ming," He said softly, "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself. You can do whatever you put your heart to do." He let go, a pained expression flitting across his face before he pulled me along again. He was thinking about Hiram, I knew. Robbie was the one who told Hart that years ago, but Hart thought to this day that it was Hiram. Must've been his scarred mind because it was right after Hiram died... Also, he couldn't completely remember because of the train crash. But I still remember the day.

It had been during a particularly active day in Robbie and Stephanie's backyard; the treehouse had just been checked to make sure it was stable for us, and we'd spent the entire time in there. I was the Princess and he was my knight--we even had the costumes and fuck, I looked fabulous--and Robbie was the common maiden. He was short and cute back then, that's why.

The entire day was spent making a never ending story, with action and fantasy and romance. Hart and Robbie's first kisses were made there. We were all called in for lunch when it was starting to get really hot out, around three; unfortunately, that meant all the bees were out, too.

See... if there was one thing you could use to make Hart show any emotion back then, it was bees. Dead or alive, a bumble bee to a wasp--those things terrified him. They debilitated him, made him make weird whimpering noises as he froze in absolute fear.

So he was stuck up there, with the bees, unable to make his way down because there were more bees in his path. We were all beckoning him down, our hearts breaking each time a tear slid down Hart's cheek because he was so terrified.

And finally, Robbie climbed up. He hugged Hart tight and told him those words; told him that anything he wanted, he would...

Ah, I can't spoil it yet. Damn.

Robbie managed to get him down by some miracle, their hands linked tight the whole time. The moment Hart was five feet away, he sprinted off towards the house, dragging poor Robbie along with him, and probably spent the time without us crying his heart out. That, or hyperventilating.

Probably hyperventilating. Maybe a tear or two.

"Please don't run away," Hart said to me as he positioned me across the hall from Ricardo's door. He directed his attention to my clothes, wrinkling his nose in an adorable way before straightening it as well as he could. I was wearing a green long sleeve cargo shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbow and jogger pants that had a blue Chinese dragon design on them, by my knees.

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