The Tournament kicks off

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The tournament started out excellently with hardly any problems at all. Mario and Bowser had easily gotten through the first round along with Luigi and donkey Kong, and peach and daisy. Right now it was the final match of the first round between Bowser Jr and Diddy Kong vs Toad and Yoshi with Bowser Jr and Diddy Kong at 14 points to 9 points.

Bowser:(Excited)Come on Jr! Go all the way!

Diddy Kong set the ball up for a spike and Jr quickly smashed the ball into the ground right between toad and Yoshi scoring the winning point.

Toadsworth: We have our winners! Bowser Jr and Diddy Kong!

Bowser Jr:(happily)Yahoo!!!

Bowser:(happily)WAY TO GO JR!

Diddy Kong:(happily)We made it to the second round!

Toadsworth: Congratulations to our winners. Now it's time to see who will be facing off in the semi final rounds. Please bring your attention to the screens.

Everyone placed their attention on screen to see who will face off. In the first match it was Mario and Bowser Vs. Luigi and Donkey Kong and in the second it was Bowser jr. and Diddy Kong Vs. Peach and Daisy.

Mario:(smirks)Looks like we're rivals this time bro!

Luigi:(smirks) I'm not going easy on you ya know!

Mario:(smirks)The feelings mutual.

Bowser:(confident) Better be ready to lose Green stache.

Donkey Kong:(cocky)Heh, like we've got a chance at losing!

Mario:(smirks) May the best team win.

Luigi:(smirks)Oh we plan to.

Bowser Jr: Time for our rematch Diddy!

Diddy Kong: We'll take them down this time!

Peach:(smiles)We'll be glad to face you two again.

Daisy:(cocky)Good luck trying to win kids.

Toadsworth: We'll have a small intermission before the next round starts. All players rest easy now!

After the announcement everyone dispersed until it was only the final eight competitors remaining.

Bowser:Alright! All that winning worked up an appetite.

Bowser scooped Mario up and placed him on his shoulder.

Bowser:(smiles)Let's head somewhere and grab a bite to eat before we continue this winning streak.

Mario:(smiles)I couldn't agree more.

Bowser: Jr. you coming?

Bowser Jr: of course papa! Can we go to McShrooms!?

Bowser: Sure son.

Bowser Jr: Yay! See ya later Diddy!

Diddy: See ya.

Bowser Jr hugged Diddy and jumped up onto Bowser's other shoulder.

Bowser: See the rest of you at our winning ceremony!

Luigi: Think again koopa!

Mario,Bowser, and Bowser Jr headed towards McShrooms to grab some food.

Mario: You were amazing out there Jr.


Bowser: Of course you were! You're my son after all!

Jr: Thanks papa. You too papa Mario!

Mario:(blushes)O-Oh uh yeah. You're welcome!

Bowser: Heh still not used to that yet, huh?

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