The Tournament's new Beginning

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The rest of the day went smoothly as they had chatted and laughed while they ate their ice cream in the shade. The day started to end so Luigi had volunteered to take peach back to the castle while Mario and Bowser head to his castle.

Mario: Are you sure bro?

Luigi: Yeah go on. I've got this.

Mario: Well alright I won't stop you.

Bowser:(smiles)Thanks Luigi.

Luigi:(smiles)No problem just know that I plan on winning the tournament tomorrow.

Mario:(smiles)Only in your dreams bro.

Peach:(smiles)Have a lovely nights rest to you both.

Mario:(smiles)We will, same to the both of you.

Bowser:(smiles)Thanks for the nice day Peach.

Peach:(smiles)It was my pleasure Bowser. Take care.

Bowser: You too.

And with that they went their seperate ways and while Mario and Bowser walked through the forest Mario asked a question that was bugging him.

Mario: Hey Bowser?

Bowser: hm?

Mario:(worried)Was there something bothering you earlier today?

Bowser: What do you mean?

Mario: Well... Back at the restaurant you seemed kind of distant and I felt that maybe something was wrong.

Bowser: Oh um....Well it's just.....i heard a conversation and it upset me.

Mario: Oh, well can you tell me about it?

Bowser: ....... (Sigh)two toads walked into the bathroom and talked about me and you.

Mario: ...

Bowser:They said should date the princess...instead of me. They said that you should be embarrassed about being around me in public.

Mario:(sadly)Oh Bowser. I'm so sorry.

Bowser: It's ok because I had a chat with peach and it helped me out. It helped me realize that nobody else's opinion matters about me and you. As long as I love you and you love me then there's nothing else that matters in the world.

Mario: Bowser.

Bowser: Yeah?

Bowser turned his head to Mario and was shocked by a passionate kiss being placed on his lips that he happily returned. After awhile of kissing they pulled away for air.

Mario:(breathless) I don't care about what anybody has to say about you and me. I'll always want you and only you.

Bowser:(breathless) Thank you.

They finally made their way to Bowser's castle and got inside.

Goomba: Welcome back Lord Bowser.

Bowser: Thank you goomba.

The goomba ran off after his greeting to continue its duties around the castle.

Bowser: So what would you like to do for the rest of the evening?

Mario: How about we watch a movie?

Bowser: That's fine by me. I can have one of my minions make popcorn for us.

Mario: Alright so what movie should we watch?

Bowser: How about ShriekShroom 2?

Mario: Hell yeah! I've always wanted to see it but I haven't gotten the chance.

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