Having doubt

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Last time during our story we joined our lovebirds having a peaceful time together and showing just how much they really care about each other and with a nice letter from Peach, they set out to the mushroom kingdom to have a little fun. Now let's join our dynamic duo as they enjoy a peaceful walk through the forest or will it be not as peaceful as it may seem.

Mario:(smiles)I remember this forest.

Bowser:(smiles)Yup it's where I saved your life.

Mario:(smiles)Yeah and I can't thank you enough for that by the way.

Bowser:You already have by being with me.

Mario: Awww.

Mario leaned down from his spot on Bowser's shoulder and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Bowser: I'm serious, without you I don't know what I would do.

Mario:(smiles)Well I know that I feel one hundred percent happy when I'm with you.

Bowser:(jokingly)Glad someone is.


They continued walking and talking with each other but they didn't notice that there was something tailing them in the trees ready to attack as they passed the poisonous water.

Bowser: I wonder when the next part of the tournament will begin.

Mario:(smirks)Eager to win I see.

Bowser: Only if I get to have you as my partner again.

Mario: Well I'm sure we were gonna be partners either waAAAY!

Mario hardly got to finish his sentence as a piece of sticky web got attached to his backside and yanked him off of Bowser's shoulder.

Bowser: Mario!

Bowser turned around and saw 5 giant Spiders in a tree wrapping Mario in sticky spider webs.

Bowser:(angrily)Hey, release him!

Spider leader: Sorry Mr. Koopa king but you don't control us. So you can walk away like nothing happened or you can watch us feast.

Bowser:(angrily)I choose the third option.

Spider leader: There is no "third option".

Bowser: Sure there is, it's me smashing you all to bits!

Bowser then punched the tree that the spiders were hanging from and they all fell to the ground and dropped Mario. Bowser caught him and peeled all the web from his body.

Mario:(smiles)Well that's two times you've saved me in this forest.

Bowser:(smiles)Let's not make it a third time shall we.


Spider leader:(angry)You think you're so smart don't you. No one makes a fool out of me! Attack them my minions!

Four spiders charged forward to try and attack them.

Bowser:This will be too easy.

Mario:(smirks)Can't let you have all the fun.

As one spider jumped for Bowser's face he opened his mouth and incinerated it with his fire breathe. One then charged for Mario but he dodged to the side and grabbed one of its legs and slammed it onto the ground before jumping onto it and crushing it. The last two spiders charged for them both so they both grabbed them and flung them into the poisonous water behind them.

Bowser:(Smug)hmph is that all.

Mario:(smirks)That was easier than expected.

Spider leader:(angry)You shall pay for your insolence!

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