Soothing sadness

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Mario had just left the mushroom Kingdom and heading down his special shortcut to Bowser's castle that he made one day when he was trying to save the princess but now he wasn't using it to save the princess he was using it to check on him and see if he was alright which felt truly strange to Mario but oddly exciting.

Mario: well looks like I'm here now I just have to get inside

Fire Bro A: Halt!

Fire Bro B: None shall get passed this door not even you Mario

Mario: (sigh)can I just deliver this letter to Bowser and leave

Fire Bro A: (Sarcastically)yea sure we'll just let you right in

Fire Bro B: NOT!!

Fire Bro A: unless you can beat us!

The fire koopas got in a fighting stance but Mario pulled out a spare ice flower he picked up from the snow world and quickly froze them both

Mario: Gee thanks for letting me pass you guys I really appreciate it

As Mario entered the castle he felt as if everything was closing down around him but that's not any different than any other time he came here because he always felt small compared to this place but he had a mission to focus on so he searched the castle high and low and couldn't find Bowser anywhere, he was about to give up and just go home until he heard quiet sobbing from another room he looked inside and found Bowser Jr.

Mario : (thoughts)huh? Why's his kid crying anyway did something bad happen here or something

Bowser Jr heard the door creek and and stopped his crying to see who it was and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Mario

Jr: w-w-what a-are you d-d-doing here

Mario: I'm here to deliver a message to your dad that's all I'm not trying to start a fight

Jr: he'd never wanna see you, he doesn't wanna see anybody....... And I don't know why

Mario:.... I do

Jr: you do?

Mario: yea I do

Jr: could you.... Tell me what's wrong with my papa

Mario: (sigh)well....

Mario then proceeded to tell Bowser Jr the story that peach told him and Luigi and he couldn't believe his ears

Jr: she didn't....really say that...... Did she

Mario only shook his head yes because he was kinda speechless himself

Jr: so that's why papa hadn't left his room in two months

Mario had to take time and process what Bowser Jr had just said but once he heard that he actually began to worry about the big koopa

Mario: could you tell me where his room is

Jr: his room is down the Hall and to the left up a set of stairs on the top floor

Mario: thank you and don't worry about your papa I'm sure he'll be fun

Jr: I hope so

Mario: so he hasn't left his room and he hasn't even come up with any evil plans...... That's...strange

Mario followed Bowser Jr's directions and came to two big double doors and already from the other side he heard the crying of a broken heart....and it made him feel sympathy for his poor enemy so he knocked on the door

Bowser: (angrily)Jr I thought I told you to go away

Mario: ... It's..not Jr

Bowser froze at the sound of Mario's voice then spoke

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