Chapter 11

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I sat silently in the shadows on a rooftop, Gotham was rather quiet this night. It'd been three months since I moved out of Gotham with Jason. He seemed to be happier and I didn't follow him as much. I'd become a bit of a house wife unintentionally. It'd been a relaxing few months but...

A week ago I missed my period. Then I was violently ill for days. I took a test and... I'm pregnant. I needed to get away when I found out. I don't know how Jason will take the news... I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Does he even want kids? What if he leaves me?... I'm still in high school.

I tensed up as a heavy form landed on the roof in the shadows to my right. As I stared at the tall shadowed form I itches to attack to get the upper hand over my possible attacker. I felt the anxiety slip away when Dick stepped out of the shadows dressed as Nightwing. I let out a sigh and rubbed my face with both hands. I'd taken off my mask so it was very obvious who I was. He strode over and took a seat beside me, speaking softly. "I haven't seen any sign of you for months now... where have you been?"

I was quiet for a while as I gathered my thoughts. "I moved out of Gotham with my partner. He said Gotham was nothing but a death sentence hanging over our heads... but I just needed some air tonight... I've been given some... profound news." Dicks blue eyes studied me closely for a moment before he asked what he'd been dying to ask. "Are you sick?... you've been holding your gut since I stumbled across you." I let out a pained laugh and some tears escaped me. "No... I'm pregnant. I'm about two months along. I just found out..." There was an extended silence. I was sixteen going on seventeen years old and Dick was like twenty. He probably thought badly of me.
"Does he know?" He asked calmly and I sighed tiredly. "No, I just haven't gotten over the shock yet... we are so young I expect him to bolt." Duck frowned at that image and spoke comfortingly. "If he leaves you we will always have your back... don't be afraid to come to us." He soothed. He began to rub my back as I allowed myself to relax against him. "Thanks, Dick." I whispered softly. After a few moments of comfortable silence while Dick soothed me the bat signal lit the sky and he let out a reluctant sound before kissing my temple and getting up to go. "Contact me, we miss you." He said sincerely. I gave him a small sad smile and he bounded off to go find the trouble.
I jumped when a heavy thud landed to my right. Jason's boots had landed heavy on the rooftop. He looked me over with his intelligent green eyes and my heart did somersaults in my chest. He was so handsome. I shifted nervously as he approached me and took a moment to study me before he spoke. "You've been avoiding me."
I played with my fingers and looked away to avoid his gaze. I wasn't ready to tell him yet. I'm scared. "I'm late, Jason..." I said almost inaudible. He stared at me for a long moment before it seemed to click.

"Did you take a test yet?" I looked down at my hands for a while and nervously twisted my fingers. I gave a small nod and there was a tense silence between us for a while. "Have you set up an appointment with your doctor?" He asked as he slowly sat down next to me. I shook my head, I hadn't barely finished taking the home test before I left to get some air.
It was silent for almost twenty minutes as we just sat side by side on the rooftop watching Gotham. He finally said something. "I wasn't sure I could have kids after what happened to me... with the dying and then the Lazareth pit..." I honestly hadn't thought about the possible long lasting physical damage he could have from what happened. I'd thought it would all be mental for some reason. Could this be our only chance to have kids or was it just proof that he was fine?
"D-do you want it?" I looked up and caught his gaze.
"I don't know if I'm ready... if it's a good time... but it might be my only chance." He said as he looked down at me with his pretty green eyes. I let out a breath of relief as some of my stress washed away. I closed my eyes and leaned against him as I let myself calm down.
At the very least it seemed he wasn't going to run from me. I hope we figure this out and can make a happy life for ourselves. I'd been adapting a system to better help Jason while he's out in the field and maybe there isn't a better time for it now that I'm pregnant. I could watch over him from our home and help navigate escapes and get him information without being directly in harms way. Maybe over the next few months I'd develop this more and try to get it up and going.
As I watched the police racing through Gotham I wondered if we should move so Dick couldn't come wondering back. Jason didn't want Dick to know he was alive and I respected that. "Let's go... Dick stopped by earlier and he might wonder back." I whispered and Jason gave a small nod. Hopefully this is the next step in our life towards happiness... I took his hand as we walked across the roof top before he jumped across to the next with me right behind him. It was good to be out... I would really miss this when I was a round baby incubator.

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