Chapter 5

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I hadn't come out of the bathroom even long after it was quiet in the apartment. I'd heard him go out to the fire escape but I wasn't ready to come out. If he did that just to be argumentative... it was cold and heartless. He knew how I felt and to do that to me... It was cruel.

I decided to take a bath and try to relax... calm down. After I had done all the primping humanly possible: Nails, lotions, brushing my hair with 100 strokes of the brush... ext. I was forced to either sit and do nothing, starve, sit with my towel or put on dirty clothes... or go back out there. As I shut the bathroom behind me, my towel clutched tightly around me the breeze from the open window made me shiver. I looked over only for my heart to stutter to a stop.

He was sitting out there on the fire escape and he was looking directly at me. I felt my cheeks warm up and I held my towel tighter to me before rushing to find something to wear. I heard him come in and shut the window and the curtains. His boots thudded across the floor until he was behind me. "You should really take clothes with you when you bathe." I shivered at the sound of his voice so close.

I moved around him with my clothes and tried to lock myself back in the bathroom only for his boot to catch the door. "You aren't going to lock yourself in there all day, are you princess? It's been hours." He said sounding a bit exasperated. I frowned and fought to pull the door closed as he held it open without dropping my towel. "I just need to get dressed!" I cried out in a panic and he smirked at me before letting the door close.

I locked it as quickly as I could and shakily slid down the door as my heart pounded in my chest. This... wasn't fair. There are more important things, that I needed to pay attention to, then my feelings. He was doing things, dangerous things... and I needed to find a way to get involved. I need to know more about what he is doing. I slipped on my yoga pants and t shirt and got my tennis shoes on. I stepped out as I tied my hair up into a ponytail.

If I couldn't get Jason to let me in... I would insist that Bruce train me so I can follow him like the annoying unwanted company I'm sure I would be. Maybe I couldn't tell Bruce but I sure as hell could use my knowledge about him being Batman to get some training. Jason raised a brow at me as I grabbed my bag and keys. "Where are we going?" He asked and I rolled my eyes as he followed me to the door. "I am going to work out. Obviously I need to if I want to have a chance in hell of getting away from you." I slammed the door in his face and locked it before he could respond.

I walked out of the building and hurried towards the subway to catch a train closer to the Wayne Manor. I couldn't call ahead because of Jason so let's just hope they aren't too surprised... I sighed as I ran a hand over my face as I just barely made the train. Jason was becoming a handful... and I wasn't sure I could handle him. Especially if he kept torturing me like he's been.

I shook as I recalled how callus he was with my heart. I tried to remain calm... emotions wouldn't help me right now. The train ride wasn't great but... it did the job. It was a long walk to the manor and it was getting dark. I held my keys between my fingers just incase as I walked. Maybe I wouldn't have to be so nervous if Bruce agreed to teach me. I got to the gates and I wondered for a moment how to get from point A to point B. The gates slid open unexpectedly making me jump. I walked through them and up the drive as I tried to get a look at the manor. Was someone waiting for me? The gates opened like someone knew I was here.

I saw a butler standing at the door waiting. He gave me a wave and a smile. "You are Eve correct?" I smiled nervously and gave a nod. "I was... hoping to talk with Bruce." I said softly and the man seemed to be thinking hard. "He's having a business call now but come inside and you can speak with him when he's done." I gave a grateful smile and nodded.

I expected that training would be brutal... and that Bruce might take some convincing but I hoped against hope that... He would teach me if I said that I wanted to be able to protect myself from even the most skilled assailants. I don't know how much convincing this will take but... I'm eager to be able to follow, Jason, the trouble maker freeloading in my home...

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