Chapter 4

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I sat on the couch waiting for hours, I even fell asleep. Jason was gone long past midnight. When he came in he scooped me off the couch and tucked me into bed before he changed and joined me. I yawned and cuddled into him... far too exhausted to fight just yet. He wrapped an arm around me and we slipped off to sleep. I woke to my wailing alarm and pulled myself away from him unwillingly, starting to get ready for my Sunday scheduled work.

I grumpily drank coffee and ate breakfast alone as he slept like the dead in my bed. I was still upset from the other morning as well... I had meant to talk to him when he got home... Maybe that's why he was so late. I was about to leave when he sat up with a yawn and climbed out of bed to wander into the kitchen. "Jason." I spoke in a dangerous voice and he turned to me with a raised brow.

"If you think you can talk to me like that you can get out. I care about you but I won't put up with you taking out your anger on me." I spoke clearly and his features seemed to morph into an expression of guilt and he averted his eyes. He hesitated a moment before switching on the TV. What we both saw sent a chill to my bones. The news was showing a NEW robin. The look of betrayal on Jason's face...

He set the remote down before he went into the bathroom. He came out dressed and then proceeded to make an exit out the fire escape. I bit my lip trying to think of anything I could do. I locked the door behind me and rushed off to work at the diner I managed. I stepped inside and the buzz of the new robin was consuming the shop. I shook my head as I went to the back to get ready for my shift. If only they knew Jason was still alive... that would really send the press into a tizzy.

I was honestly surprised he didn't wreck the apartment when he saw... and I'm still worried he might go and either try to kill the new robin or batman for replacing him. My shift seemed to drag on as I managed the workings of the diner. When my shift was over it was dark and I held my keys between my fingers to help me strike an assailant if need be. I walked towards home on alert. At the first block from work a man came from the shadows and I almost took his eyes out with my keys when my arm was caught and Jason's face came into view immediately relaxing me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Jason," I breathed out with relief. He looked amused as he motioned for me to keep walking and he followed behind me. Our walk was silent and I wondered... if maybe he was trying to say goodbye after how I told him off this morning. I glanced back at him and he seemed tired and calm yet observant as ever of our surroundings.

When we got in the apartment I stripped until I was only in my shorts and tank top before flopping on the bed in exhaustion. I could have fallen asleep immediately but there he was... Looking at me like he had something to say. If he was trying to apologize I doubted he'd ever manage to say that out loud. I let my eyes fluttered closed and after a moment I dozed off.

When I woke up, he was laying with me sleeping peacefully. I should really write a book called When He Sleeps. People would find it chilling that I end up watching him sleep so often. I rolled out of bed and shut my alarm off just before it started to go off. I went to take a shower for school. When I got out of the shower the apartment was so quiet. I ran a hand through my hair tiredly as I got ready to do the rest of the bathroom routine. I ended up sitting at the island eating breakfast in my uniform when Jason rolled over and his eyes opened, looking right at me. "Cute uniform." He teased in his husky morning voice. I grunted unamused and went back to eating. He chuckled as I rested my head on my hand accidentally dozing off and almost falling into my cereal before catching myself. That really amused him.

When I was done I hand washed before grabbing my things and going to leave. "You aren't still mad at me are you?" He asked sounding surprised. I yawned into my hand before I looked back at him. "I'm not feeling very morning person today." I said blankly before rubbing my eyes and stepping out. I locked the door behind me before going to catch the bus to school.

Hurt (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now