Chapter 12

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"I REALLY HATE YOU RIGHT NOW!" I shouted before bursting into a waterfall of tears. My round belly was huge and I was only seven months. There was a lot of fighting between us because of my hormones and mood swings. He'd gotten me a pickle with Hershey's chocolate sauce instead of Nutella. I knew I was being crazy but that just made me cry more. Luckily he didn't look too offended. Annoyed, but not pissed.
He went over to the pantry and began to look for Nutella but I knew I'd eaten it all. He groaned as he stared at the pantry not finding any Nutella hiding in there. "Do you really need Nutella? Is it that different from Hershey's chocolate sauce?" This made my lip quiver and then I sobbed like it was the worst day of my life. This made Jason start pounding his head against the wall in frustration.
He then let out a tired sigh before he headed towards the door to go get more Nutella for his very pregnant fiancé. I still didn't stop my hormonal crying because I knew that I had to leave to go to my birth class in Gotham with other teen moms. I wouldn't get my Nutella pickle until later. I began to get ready while I cried uncontrollably about a pickle. When I was ready I grabbed my keys and left the house. I'd managed to calm down while in the car and sang to the radio on the drive through Gotham.
My calm drive was interrupted when the police sirens blasted and the cars had to pull over or be ran over. I tensed when the crown prince of crime bailed on his vehicle and began to approach mine. He ripped the door open before I could finish checking and locking the doors. Baby brain! I hadn't locked my doors while driving through Gotham. To my horror instead of throwing me out of the car he shoved me deeper into it and took over the drivers seat. He shut the door and locked the doors before I could pull on the passenger door handle and then he hit the gas while pointing a gun at me with his free hand. It clicked as he cackled and the police seemed to pursue less vigorously that he'd taken a hostage. A pregnant young girl.
I screamed and sobbed as the car crashed into the Batmobile and scraped along it and a brick wall. Joker snarled in annoyance before he grabbed me by my hair and pressed the gun firmly to my head. He stepped out of the totaled car with me held against him as leverage. He smiled wickedly as Batman and Robin as they looked at him and me. A heavily pregnant girl with tear streaked and blotchy face with a gun pressed dangerously against her temple. Tim looked horrified and Bruce looked grim and pissed. "If you want her to live you'll let us go. If you could care less I guess I can put a couple bullets in her for fun before you take me back to the loony bin!" He cackled maniacally and I closed my eyes tight and sobbed. I didn't want to be this man's captive, I knew what he could and would do to me when he had me to himself. I wish Jason was here... he'd put a bullet in his head before he'd let him take me anywhere. "P-please! Don't let him take me anywhere! If you do I can almost guarantee that my baby will die at the least!" I said as I looked at Bruce seriously. Joker frowned and glared down at me before laughing uncontrollably.
"What choice do you think they have, little mouse?" I closed my eyes tightly before speaking. "I guess they don't. They could always let you put a bullet in my head and take you out. Negotiations don't exactly work in my favor at this point. You'll kill me and my baby after torturing me." This pissed the clown off and he pulled hard on my hair making me grimace. I decided to go for it. I elbowed him in the gut hard before dropping all my weight to the ground and breaking his hold. I kicked his feet out from under him and began to fight him for the gun. I broke it from his hold and scrambled onto my feet holding the gun pointed at the madman. He laughed lowly at me and smirked. "The little mouse has some fire in her... maybe I'll have to snuff that out next time."
I glared at him and put my finger on the trigger when Batman placed a hand on my shoulder and Tim gently took the gun from me. I shook and then shook my head. "He's going to come after me, you suck at keeping him in jail. I'm seven months pregnant. It's about time someone put a round of bullets in his head. I know your beliefs but I prefer safety over morality. Don't ask a mother to choose morality over her child. She'd choose her child." I stepped away from them as I caught my breath and tried to wrap my head around what to do about the crazy madman staring at me. Tim followed me and seemed to be trying to come up with something to say.
"Do you really think someone should have killed him?" I sighed and rubbed my head. "He's past redemption and all he's going to do is go and plot how next to hurt people. Jason would be enraged if he could see that man is still alive. After he hurt him and Barbara... He'd expect that it'd be made certain he couldn't hurt anyone else." Tim was quiet for an extended period of time as he seemed to be thinking about what I said. I jumped when Bruce put a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me wearing his cowl. "If I killed whoever I thought deserved it I'd be going down a very slippery slope." I sighed as I looked him straight in the eyes. "Maybe that's why you should of let me. I'm not in your line of work so I don't make those decisions every day. It'd be unlikely I'd ever have a reason to kill again." He shook his head at me.
"If I let you do that they would have to arrest you." I sighed and shook my head. "I could swing self defense. I was a scared pregnant girl who wasn't sure if he had another gun on him. I shot him before he could shoot me..." Tim and Bruce frowned at me but I shook my head. By now Jason would have heard, I need to get home before he comes here and throws everything aside because he's worried about me and our daughter. I placed a hand on my stomach and sighed quietly as I looked down at it. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have kids... maybe I should have went elsewhere for birth classes..." I said solemnly. "I'm leaving Gotham. I've had it. Not even small doses for me anymore. He can try to find me when I'm thousands of miles away."
The pair of vigilante's looked at me and each other before going to speak. They didn't get the chance as Dick landed next to me, suited up as Nightwing. He looked me over worriedly and went in for a hug but I side stepped him. "You can't be so familiar with me so publicly, Nightwing. You're putting an even larger target on my back by doing so." He looked guilty and sheepish as he nodded. "I need to go, my fiancé must be out of his mind right now with worry." The bat fam looked at each other before back at me. "Let one of use take you home so you get back safely." I frowned at the predicament. I couldn't let them know where I live or run into Jason but I didn't want to go off on my own. I let out a sigh as I debated my options. The creepy look on Jokers face made me feel uneasy. I wouldn't put it past him to have goons try and snag me when the attention was on him. I relented. "You can escort me out of the city. No need to take me all the way home though." This seemed to make the three men suspicious and confused. What could I be hiding?
Dick nodded and the three seemed to be debating silently with each other on who would take me. It seemed to be down to either Bruce or Dick. After a while of silence Bruce motioned for Tim to go with him back to the cave and Dick offered his hand to me. I hesitantly took it and he pulled me against him before using a grappling gun to pull us up onto the rooftops. He then began to stroll along with me in silence. After a few minutes he broke the silence. "I have a car a couple blocks over, it'll be easier on us both if we take it." I nodded in agreement and we lapsed back into silence for a few more minutes. "So... what's the babies gender?" He asked awkwardly. I gave a small smile in response. "It's a girl." He smiled warmly and nodded. "She'll be beautiful." I nodded in agreement.
I wonder, how different would things be if they knew it was Jason's baby. Would that make Bruce a grandpa? Would that make Dick an uncle? We stopped on a rooftop looking down at Dicks car hidden in a dark alley. He wrapped an arm around me and carefully lowered us down to the ground before helping me into the car. I directed him towards the suburb and the right path out of town. He'd gotten on a trench coat and taken off his mask to cover up his identity as Nightwing and appear as a civilian while we drove. The radio was blabbing on and on about the odd pregnant girl who beat up the joker and almost shot him. This attention would be bad. It would fire up Joker even more, I just know it.

When we reached just outside the suburb I asked Dick to pull over and let me out. He gave me a funny look and answered in confusion. "Why? You'd be safer if I just took you straight home." I sighed and shook my head. "I don't want to upset my fiancé more than I already have today by almost dying. You'd cause a fight." He sighed and frowned at me. "Are we at least within a block of your home? I don't want you to have to walk too far." I frowned at this and sighed as I looked away and at the road. He shook his head at me as he kept driving. "Don't stop me until we are a block away." He insisted.
The closer he got the more uncomfortable I became. I knew it wouldn't be hard for him to figure out where I live if I narrowed it down to a block. I stopped him two blocks away and insisted I was only a block away. I got out and began walking. I knew he was watching me from where he parked on the street and it made me uncomfortable. When I'd gotten a block away he started his car and turned it around to head back towards Gotham. I got home fine and when I entered the house Jason was there in a flash. He engulfed me in his arms, shaking and breathless as he held me like a lifeline. I held him tightly in return as I felt the fear I'd buried surface. I cried into his chest as he held me tightly in his strong arms. I wished he'd been there so someone could of shot the madman. I'm afraid... I'm afraid of the interest that the Joker seemed to take in me.

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