Chapter 7

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Jason was becoming less and less patient with me. This morning he woke up before me and tried to get information out of me from the moment my eyes opened until I walked out the door. There were just some things... he couldn't know. I sat in the bat cave silently watching the city security cameras. Batman had to go deal with the joker again. He refused to take Robin... I couldn't blame him.

Tim was rattling off I spy descriptions and I was mindlessly guessing what he had chosen as his object. I flopped dramatically over the armrest of the chair and groaned as Tim described yet another boring object. Alfred came in with snacks but I remained thrown over the armrest simmering at not being able to talk to anyone about what was happening in my life...

I couldn't talk to Jason about being here and I couldn't talk to anyone here about Jason. It made me feel like I really was on my own. I was told I couldn't spar with Tim just in case he underestimated me and I hurt him again. Bruce wanted to be here to keep me from breaking his new boy wonder when he goes easy on me.

I staid dramatically thrown over the armrest until Alfred decided to make a remark. "You could just go home Miss Eve... or you could work out." I looked up at him and frowned before looking at the floor. They didn't know why I couldn't go home. I don't want to be grilled again so soon. I could work out but it felt lonely doing it alone. I sat up and my eyes scanned the cameras mindlessly before I stiffened as I saw Jason deliver a punch to a less than honorable person. Luckily... He was wearing a mask that covered his whole face.

I watched as he beat the man up before he left. Alfred was about to use the connection to alert Bruce but I stopped him. I panicked as I didn't know what to say. "H-he's just... this troubled kid from school. Please... let it go this once? I'm sure that guy did something to set him off..." Alfred hesitated and looked between the screen and me for a moment before relenting. I slowly relaxed and smiled at him softly before getting up and going to work out as Tim looked at me like I was a complicated puzzle.

I worked out until I felt I couldn't any longer, even after batman returned and started a search for the escaped Joker again. It was 1 am when I stopped and slumped into a chair. I had a question I've been really wanting to ask Bruce. "Bruce... was Jason an angry person." He paused what he was doing and turned to me slowly. After a moment he nods. "It was one of his greatest assets... and downfalls. It could help him in a fight... and it could cause him to make mistakes." I sat back in the chair and stared down at my lap. So it wasn't just me... he was already prone to anger and what happened didn't help any.

I stood from the chair slowly and stretched. "I'm going to shower and head home." He frowned and surprised me with an offer. "You could stay here..." The offer, though tempting meant a worried and angry Jason would probably look for me... at least I liked to think he would. "I have to go back so that... my boyfriend doesn't worry. I don't talk to him about this or any of you... but he is growing impatient with my behavior. I shouldn't push it... he might come looking for me and I don't want him to get hurt." I gave a small nod of thanks and turned to go not wanting to deal with any judgement. I was only sixteen and I was living with a guy I called my boyfriend.

I showered and changed before going home. I stepped into the apartment as quietly as I could. I climbed into bed beside him and got comfortable, thankful that this once he wasn't awake to fight with me. It was two AM and I needed some rest before tomorrow.

I woke to the feeling of being watched. My eyes opened slowly and met his as he looked unwavering into my eyes. I grimaced and moved my sore body to get more comfortable. It was a Sunday and I was sure I would need to get up for work soon. I froze as I noticed how high the sun was. "What time is it?" I asked tensely and he answered... by avoiding the question. "I called you in sick." My eyes went wide and I sat up to look him in the eyes.

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