Chapter Six: The Cake

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Avelle gave Eris the gold watch in exchange for the plot coupon. Avelle kept the ticket in her pocket. Avelle was one of the first ten competitors who were done. The first event was halfway done. In about half an hour, everyone was done.

"I hope you all have kept your ticket," said Eris, "You'll need it to enter the mountain."

Bradley was confused. "But why can't we just enter the mountain without these trials or tickets? Wouldn't our lives just be easier like that?"

Eris shrugged, "What's a gameshow without any pointless levels or macguffins? Nothing. They're the backbone of all game shows. Anyways, since you are all so hungry, next we will be baking."

No one was hungry, but no one objected. The Market also had a kitchen. Who knew? Certainly not the competitors. "Oohs and "Ahh"s went around. The humongous kitchen filled with every single spoon, spice or anything food related object.

"Now, I want you to bake a cake!" announced Eris. "I want you to nail it!"

"Isn't that a famous baking show?" asked Phoenix. "Isn't it called 'Nailed It'?"

Eris shrugged, "Maybe."

Avelle didn't know the first thing about baking, luckily there was a recipe for her to follow.

Step one: preheat the oven. Done.

Step two: get two bowls. Done.

Someone creeped up behind Avelle."Don't you know that you only need one bowl?" The boy had light skin and had the voice of an arrogant rich kid.

"Don't you know that YOU need to mind your own business?" Avelle replied. "And I didn't even ask for your opinion! Who are you?"

"I'm Jimmy," said Jimmy. He made a weird face at Avelle.

"What are you doing to your face?" asked Avelle. "If my presence really bothers you that much, leave me alone."

Jimmy was at a loss for words. "But--but that's my seduction face!"

Avelle groaned. Eris gave a long, exasperated sigh.

Oh no!, thought Avelle, She is going to make me kiss him. Just like Counselor Susan.

It was true, when Kenneth was beating up Avelle, Counselor Susan had onced forced them to kiss. She insisted that Kenneth was punching her because he had a crush on her. While Kenneth was preparing his kiss face, she punched him. Counselor Susan had always hated her after that.

Eris was much different than Counselor Susan. "Jimmy!" Eris snapped, "Your mansplaining to Avelle won't bake any cakes! Go! Shoo! Bye! BAKE!"

"Thank you!" Avelle said.

Avelle could swear that she saw Eris smile. "Thanking me won't help you bake a cake!" cried Eris, "Bake!"

Avelle went back to baking with her two bowls.

Step three: Mix dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder and salt) into one bowl. Done.

Step four: Mix wet ingredients (cream, vanilla and melted butter) into the other bowl. Done.

Step five: mix bowls together.

Avelle did so. The batter was smooth and even. Avelle saw Jimmy was only using one bowl.Jimmy's batter was lumpy and honestly, really gross.

She put the batter into a baking pan and put the pan into the oven for half an hour.

Once all the cakes were finished, Eris judged them. Almost everyone passed because they all used two pans to mix their batter separately. However, Jimmy failed. This was because he used only one pan to mix the batter.

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