Day one

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I am Julianna. I have long, curly, dark brown hair that at the moment is tied back into a french braid I did myself and a Dallas Cowboys hat over it. I have light blue eyes, that, depending on the light, can seem green or even brown at times. A few moments ago I got onto a bus to go into the desert. Someone sat by me, and I think his name is Josh or something like that. I stared out the window for what seemed like eternity and then the boy talked to me.

"Hi, I'm Joshua. What's your name?"

"Julianna. Have you seen much of the show?"

"No. Have you?"

"Not a chance. I'm not into reality TV. Yet I'm here. Ironic, huh." He laughed slightly. "So, how old are you? I'm fourteen."

"Fifteen. Got any siblings."

"One. An older bro. Kyle. He taught me everything I know with survival and fighting and stuff like that. You?"

"A younger sister. She's probably going to watch the show at home. Her name is Liz." There was silence a moment. Then the bus stopped. We got out and this guy went through the stuff that this place is about and other things like that before calling up four people. And one was me.

"These are your four town leaders." Then he said more about what we had to do. I was already planning what to do.

I don't know much about this show, but I know I can do this and be a good leader!

"You four, I have to talk to you." Then he said stuff about our jobs and that there was a book somewhere... then he pulled out a star. "You are going to be giving this to one of those kids in three days at the town hall meeting. This is worth over $20,000." I put my hand over my mouth.

"I-is it really worth that much...?" I stuttered.

"Yes." I looked over and saw someone failing at putting bags in a cart.

"Is that all because it looks like they need help."

"Yes." I ran over and helped the little girl who was having trouble. Then I threw my suitcase in the back. I looked around. Everyone had there things packed into the carts, including as many animals as possible. I grabbed a cart and started pulling. After a while, I tripped. And got back up, ignoring the pain in my ankle. I knew what it was. I got a high ankle sprain a few days ago and it never really went away.

"Hey are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just tripped." I was fine, maybe just needed to sit down a moment, but... I can do that when we get there. And we eventually did. I went and grabbed the other girl and the two boys that were council members with me. "Could we have a meeting? It would be in our best interests to have one right away." We all went and stood outside. "Has anyone seen season one here?" Everyone shook their heads. "Well, neither have I. So should we check out that book or start making dinner?"

"Dinner, obviously." I think Ash said. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. The other boy-Forrest, I think-had blond hair and blue eyes. And the other girl-Christine-had red hair and green eyes.

"Okay, well, how old are each of you?"

"I'm 12." Forrest.

"I'm 10..." Christine.

"13." And Ash.

"So I'm the oldest council member. Well, then, I will go find some people who can cook and then we will make food."

"I can help." That dude I met on the bus said. Joshua.

"Thanks. Do you know anyone else who can cook?"

"Do we really need more than two people to cook?"

"Yes." We got five other people. Joanna, Carol, Kathrine, Marsha and Sheri. At first I didn't think an 8 year old could cook, but she was a master in the kitchen. She was the one who coordinated the stuff happening in the kitchen. At about five we got it done and I walked around yelling "Dinner! Dinner!" I was the last to eat. We had made mac n cheese. It was my favorite, but as long as everyone else ate I didn't care what it was.

"So, why'd you start eating last?"

"Because, Joshua, there are kids here, so they should eat first."

"That doesn't mean you should eat last."

"Who cares? I ate didn't I? Back at home I wouldn't have even eaten." It was getting dark. "We have to get people into their bunks. Will you help?"


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