Day twenty-eight

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I almost left today. Forrest was making it so hard on me ever since the elections. I just couldn't do it anymore. I was crying out by this old mine so far away from town, and I wanted to leave right then and there. But somehow, Joshua found me.

"Jules, why are you out here? This is a long way away from town." I didn't lift my head. "I heard what he said, and what did you tell everyone else who he has called names like that? He didn't mean it, he is just jealous that you are better than him. So, I am telling you, he didn't really mean it. He still is your friend, he will apologize eventually." I glanced up and Joshua was holding out his hand. "Now, come on. I have a feeling that 'eventually' isn't all too far away. Plus Sheri was looking for you." I took his hand, and he put his arm around my shoulder.

"I promise I will stick it out until the end. Twelve more days until we leave, and I still haven't gotten a number nor an address from you." I smiled and we walked back to town together. "I still can't believe I actually did that though. What am I, an idiot?!"

"Yes, yes you are."

"Well, thanks. You know, I was this close to leaving. I'm glad I didn't though. Tonight is the town meeting."

"You still would have had until late to decide."

"Well, I don't think I would've decided right. I think I would have left."

"Well, knowing you, you would have stuck it out."

"Thanks. But I did need that push, and you know it." He sighed.

"Yes, I do."

"Anyway, thanks again." I saw Sheri. She looked... a little worried about me, but, I would reassure her in a little bit that I am fine. I wanted to tell him how I felt... but I am pretty sure Joshua wouldn't like it. You know, we are just... friends. Anyway, it was time for the town meeting, and I was, frankly... worried. I mean, that would be the first time I saw Forrest since... but never mind that. Sometimes I think I should have left the first time I wasn't needed... but Joshua showed me I was needed. Maybe I sho-never mind. He wouldn't go for it, he might think I am joking. But....

I stopped. I was sitting in the town meeting and... something happened. He started talking about the gold star and then... they called my name. They called my name.... for the gold star. I'm not the strongest, I'm not the best, I don't.... deserve this. And they... gave it to me. Felix, Elizabeth, Joanna, and Christine. They all chose me. I just couldn't believe it. I didn't deserve it, but, they thought I did. I was so happy I almost cried. I did cry.

"What do you think your parents are going to say about this?"

"I think they are going to say 'Get off the line so we can call your brother'." I joked, and everyone laughed. And... everything was okay again. I am so glad that Joshua convinced me to stay, that I didn't leave. I can't say that I wouldn't have left if Joshua hadn't gone and talked to me. I know I'm homesick, and I know I want to see my family but... I don't want to leave Joshua. I ran to the place where the phone is and hoped that my family would be there and my brother would be home and I... didn't know how much I'd miss them... I thought I wouldn't because... I don't know why, I can't remember anymore. I just... want to hear them talk to me again and...

The phone was ringing. The phone was ringing and it was ringing and I was afraid they wouldn't pick up and then...


"Mom?!" And I was crying, I couldn't stop.

"Julie, is that you?" And I couldn't. I was crying and laughing and...

"Mom, there's this thing in Kid Nation where if you do a good job you are awarded a gold star and every three days they award a different person the gold star and it is worth twenty thousand dollars. That's why I'm calling you, mom, I won the gold star." I could hear her flipping out on the other line and then dad picked up the phone. "Daddy, I won.... and I get to talk to you guys...." That came out of my mouth before I could stop it and

"Your brother's here too. You should talk to him." I breathed out and I just... I just I was crying again. And then my brother picks up.

"Kyle, Kyle, I miss you guys so much. I almost went home today and if I had I wouldn't have won." We said bye and mom and dad and I said bye and we hung up. And Joshua was standing close to the door and I knew he had heard all of it.

"Hey, why don't we stop by the Saloon and get a soda or two."

"Nah, I'm not thirsty." We just... walked. We walked and talked and eventually, the stars were overhead. We didn't even get dinner. Then we went to bed... and when I woke up at about 2 Joshua was waiting for me. I'm not going home until the end. The very end. And at the end, I'll have to say good bye. No. I'm not going to say goodbye. Not until the day I die. Because goodbye means you aren't going to see them again. I'll say, see you later.

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