Day fourty

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Again, staring at the stars. I guess that's our thing. This time he was holding my had... this time he was... he was crying. I was crying. It's our last day. I don't wanna leave, don't make me leave! Maybe I should hide out here, maybe I should... no, I miss my family.

"Hey Jules?"


"You do know right? Sheri said you knew..."

"Know what?"

"That I-I-" His hand, it was holding onto mine like he would never let go. I think I did know, I think I knew! Sheri said I knew... I did know. Because what he said next didn't shock me. And... "I love you Julie."

"I love you too Joshua." Maybe the reason why I wanted to stay at Kid Nation was because of him... no. I still remember the twenty-eighth day... and, I could have left. The reason I stayed was because of him, not because I wanted a prize. I didn't want a prize. I shouldn't have won. Joshua should have won. But Joshua did win. I'm just... gonna miss everyone. I'm gonna miss the way we laughed together, cried together, the way Joshua cheered me up when I was down. We love each other... and.... Neither of us could say it 'til now. But it was... to late. I had his number. "Joshua, Joshua I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too."

""I don't wanna leave..."

"You have to leave." Kid Nation was my Safe Haven. If I could choose anywhere to be for heaven, this would be it. Even with it's  ups and downs... almost think I would have died because... I was in heaven. I knew I was.

We left today. And on the way home me and Joshua were sitting together and I was crying, I was crying so hard... I didn't want to leave.

"Joshua I don't want to leave, why do we have to leave?"

"Because, that's the way the game works." I was crying worse than anybody. 

Kid Nation: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now