Day three

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"Julianna, what do you think?" We were talking about the gold star.

"I don't really know, to tell you the truth. I think there are a lot of hard workers in this town. It's way too early to be talking about prize winners-that's how I feel, at least."

After we talked, I worked all day until the meeting, and then I had to sit up front. I didn't listen much, until...

"Now, who would like to go home?" No one raised their hands. But then... someone did. A little girl-Angela, I think. "Angela, why?" I couldn't listen. I didn't want to get emotional and it was probably my fault anyway. Then the star came into play.

"We chose Joanna for the gold star." And when it was over, I stayed.

"Julianna, you okay? You looked pretty shocked when the girl said she wanted to go home."

"I'm fine. Perfectly fine."

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