Day two

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It was about 2 AM and I couldn't sleep. I took a flashlight and my... doll and walked around outside, looking for someplace to look at the stars. And slowly, it became 6. I went and started to haul water to the kitchen.

"So, what are you doing? You don't have to get up until 7."

"I've been up since about 2."

"I saw you. That doll is weird."

"Boo is not weird. I have had her since I was about one or two. I don't go anywhere overnight without her." I set the buckets down. "Will you help me go get eggs?"

"Sure, I guess." I walked to the coop with a box, padded with hay. "What's that for?"

"So the eggs won't break."

"Have you worked on a farm?"

"Nope. No one in my family has ever even owned one. I just know what to do because I've always wanted to live in the country."

~Time skip~

"When did you start making this?! I mean, I came down to help, and its ten minutes to wake up time and you have most of it done!"

"Hey Sheri! Yeah, I guess we did! It was mostly Joshua though!" I smiled.

"No it wasn't it was all her."

"Really? Well, we should get this finished then."

"Oh, all we have to do is the dishes that we just used and don't need." I placed the rest of the eggs and pancakes on the plate. Then I grabbed the pans and spatulas and other dishes I used and started to wash them. By the time they were done, everyone was up and eating. Then I went and grabbed an egg.

~Time skip~

We went and found a book. We read it and it said that we should split ourselves into groups. I took blue. Each person got some older kids some younger kids, so it was perfectly even. I got Sheri, Brandon, George, Will, Jeanne, Francis, Nick, Felix and Joshua. Then we started our first challenge. I don't think the challenges are very important, so I won't talk about them. All I have to say is we got... Cooks. Green got merchants, red got upper class, and yellow got laborers. And we got the prize.

"Go take a walk and figure it out." We walked away from the group.

"We need the outhouses, I don't even see how this is a choice." I said.

"But with the TV-"

"The TV will distract people from their work."

"Julie is right." Both Christine and Ash agreed with me.



"I am taking that as a yes. Who will tell them?"

"I can." Ash said. He seemed really strong mentally. I mean, I couldn't tell everyone we weren't getting a television... We walked back and he told them. "We are taking the outhouses." Everyone was so happy and I was so glad we made the right decision. Everyone on my team was in a group hug and I was standing off to the side. Then Joshua came over and grabbed me by the shirt. He dragged me into the hug.

"We did it! We finished the contest!" Then we had to go back to our bunks. Joshua was carrying Sheri on his shoulders and we were celebrating the toilets. That is it because we were cooks. Not much to brag about. We went back to our bunks and.... I don't have much to say about the rest of the day, except bedtime. It was about ten when some of the kids went to bed. I was still awake. I was never able to. I was lying down outside on the ground.

"Hey, I saw you didn't eat. What's wrong?"

"Not missing home that's for sure. It seems like everyone else has families that they will miss, and what do I got? This town will be all I have, I don't want anyone to go home..."

"Don't you have a brother?"

"Yeah, but he's in college. He probably wouldn't even watch this show. Nor my parents."

"Sure they will." He looked up and I propped myself up on my elbow.

"Why do you care? I mean, my mental health isn't something you should worry about." I smiled. "It isn't that much to worry about anyway."

"Sure it is. Hey, why don't you go inside and go to sleep?"

"Fine, I'll try."

"Okay, good night."

"Good night. You go to sleep too, okay?"

"Yeah. I will." We did a sort of awkward friend hug thing.

"Okay, good night, again."

"Good night, again." I went inside and lied down. And for once, I slept through the night.

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