Day seventeen

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Felix ran unopposed yesterday, obviously, and Ash lost to Joanna, and Christine was still on the council. Forrest most certainly lost, and lost to little Elizabeth, and I really hope that stung. Recently Forrest hasn't been pulling his share, and his team knew it. Anyway, today it felt good to be off, and I still got up early and started hauling water.

"Jules! Hey, wait up!" I paused, smiling. Joshua was really nice to me, and I was developing a small crush on him.

"Hey, Joshua. Grab a bucket and help, okay?"

"We aren't the laborers, we don't-"

"I will tell you what I tell you every morning: I don't care. I can still help, even if we are merchants. Shop doesn't open until a little later than breakfast, gotta help early." I was now grinning.

"Fine. Hand me a bucket. WHY DO YOU HAVE FOUR?!" I shushed him.

"Because I knew you were going to help me." I held back a laugh. And, sadly, no, it was not a giggle. That was what I did do. It was going to be a full out laugh. I handed him two of the buckets. Then there was silence as we walked. "I want to live here. I mean actually live here. I love it here, my friends, you, the town is like family to me. But I am starting to miss my own...." I stopped walking. "Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"That my ma and da will be watching...?"

"Of course. I'm sure they would love to see you working like this."

"And my brother too?"

"He will most certainly be watching."

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