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Sarge: Oh no, this won't go well.

Team RWBY and JNPR are talking and Tucker struts his way up to them with the other reds and blues following behind him.

Grif: Tucker, this is a terrible idea.

Tucker: Nonsense, if Caboose can get one, I can get at least one.

Sarge: Are you at least wearing extra armor on your crotch?

Tucker: No, why would I?

Sarge: No reason.
He says as Tucker just shrugs and walks up to the others.

Tucker: Hey Yang, I hear there is this dance, wanna come?

Yang: If I don't go with anyone else, then I'll choose you just for ego and popularity reasons. But for now, No.

Tucker: No problem hey Wei—

Weiss: No.

Tucker: Okay then, Blake how about you?
He says pointing finger guns at Blake.

Blake: I have more important things to do than some stupid dance, let alone with you.
She says with emphasis on the "you".

Tucker: Okay Phyyra me and you, both great fighters?

Phyyra: SORRY!
She says iconically.

Tucker: Okay Nora, please I'm desperate!

Nora: Will you buy me pancakes?

Tucker: *broke* YES! As many as you want. All of them!

Nora: Y—

Sarge/Grif: He is broke.

Nora: You liar!
She charges at tucker and... well. Hammer+Crotch combo doesn't work out so well, for Tucker at least.

Males: Ow.

Ren: Nora, don't you think that was a little... excessive.

Nora: *insane* He lied. ABOUT PANCAKES! That is an unforgivable sin.

Ruby: Caboose, do you want to go to the dance?

Caboose: What dance?
Everyone sighs but ruby.

Ruby: The one on Sunday.

Caboose: The what on Sunday?

Ruby: Dance.
Caboose starts breakdancing.

Caboose: Was That good enough?

Ruby: I'm not sure I can keep up with that...

Caboose: Keep up with what?

Ruby: The dance.

Caboose: Oh yeah, do you want to go to the dance?

Ruby: *excitedly* YES!
She starts jumping up and down.

Yang: Does this happen often?

Grif: Oh yeah, you should've seen him talking to Church when he had short term memory loss.

Jaune: Oh dear, how long was it.

Sarge: It was long enough.

Tucker: *high pitched, dead, unconscious* Bow chicka bow wow.

Red vs Blue in the RWBY universeWhere stories live. Discover now