1. Beginnings and Letters.

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this is what Sam looks like. just add a broken heart scar lol. ^ (IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE PICTURE LOOK UP KLAUS BAUDELAIRE!!!!)



It was a quiet night on privet drive. A long bearded man walked down the street, looking in every direction, as if looking for someone.

Suddenly, he takes out something, raises it in the air and suddenly, all the lights from the lamp posts head into the thing, as if it was magic.

He waits a moment, looking around once again, before opening the thing, and the lights began pouring out back onto the lamp post.

A cat meows and he turns around, seeing a grey cat. "Hello... Professor Mcgonagall." He says and the cat slowly begins to grow, again, as if it was magic. The cat turns into a pale lady, in green robes and a pointy hat.

"Professor Dumbledore." Mcgonagall said? Looking at the man.

Mcgonagall and Dumbledore were watching, waiting for a big man, Hagrid, to bring two babies to privet drive. "Are you sure about this Albus, I've been watching these people all day! Their the worst muggles I've ever seen!" Mcgonnagall said chasing after Dumbledore who began walking up the street moments ago. "Thr only family they've got." Dumbledore reminded professor Mcgonagall, who looked at the ground with a grim look.

She nodded sadly. "where are the boys?" Mcgonnagall asked. "With Hagrid." Dumbledore responded and Mcgonagall's head whipped up to look at him. "Are you sure that he could've handled something as important as them?" "Yes... I trust Hagrid with my life." Dumbledore spoke and Mcgonagall nodded, slightly confused.

Suddenly you could see a bright light coming down from above, coming down as quick as a bird flys, was Hagrid with two boys. one with a lightning shaped scar and another with broken heart shaped scar. no man, wizard, woman or witch knew why they had such different scars or why they look like they do but it didn't matter. (at least it seperates the two-_- and their looks :p)

Hagrid got off the motorcycle and looked at the two. Before nodding and picking up the babies.

Hagrid looked like he was just crying. He handed Harry Potter, a little baby, who eyes were red and had a tiny lightning shaped scar on his forehead. He had dark messy brown hair, that was in every direction, to Dumbledore and Sam Potter, another baby, who the twin brother of Harry Potter. He also had red eyes, dark, almost black hair and a scar, but his was a broken heart. No one knew why it was a broken heart, why it was so different from his brother, to Mcgonnagall.

"These children will do amazing things." Dumbledore smiled at the boys. "We must go now, we need to get ready for next year." Dumbledore said his smile quickly turning to a frown.

He put the babies on the porch with a note addressing the family inside.

~~~~~~~~~10 years later~~~~~~~~~

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP ONE OF YOU!" Petunia said as the boys both opened their eyes quickly. They sat up slowly, grabbing their glasses from the tiny stand above their bed, which was in the cupboard.

The two boys, even if they were growing older, where living in a tiny cupboard, provided to them by their aunt and uncle. Petunia and Vernon. Sam groaned and they were both put their fists up and did rock paper scissors. Sam bit his lip, hoping he wouldn't have to go out there, but then again didn't want his brother to either.

Harry had rock and Sam had scissors. "Damn.." Sam said softly as he got onto his hands.

They heard loud thuds coming down the stairs and both said "Dudley" Sam groaned, forgetting about their cousin, who was around the same age as the two.
He had been a dickhead all of Sam and Harry's life, beating up them every chance he got. They then heard loud footsteps coming back up. Then dust coming down on them " WAKE UP POTTER'S! WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO!" both sighed and Sam opened the door but was quickly pushed back in. Then Dudley realized who it was. "Erm- sorry Sam!" Dudley said then rushed off.

Twin boys. HP (Male OC x ???) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now