3. Friends and Fun

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Sam felt happy that he was in the house he wanted to be in, but a little sad considering that he wasn't with his brother and that his brother didn't like the house he was in, which made him even sadder than before.

he smiled a little and made his way to the Slytherin table sitting by Draco. "Hello." Draco said smiling at the boy who began to sit down. Sam smiled and muttered a little 'hi' before Dumbledore began talking again. "Let the feast begin!" Dumbledore said and food magically appeared in a second.

Sam wasn't feeling all that hungry since he still had a couple days left before he was actually hungry and he didnt want to get in the habit of always eating food. "you're not going to eat?" Draco asked, drinking some of his juice and sam shared his head. "Not hungry." Sam replied and Draco just looked at Sam in confusion. "we havent ate since the train you must be hungry." Draco said with a little smile.

"No, its fine." Sam said with a smile and Draco just looked even more confused but went back to eating his food. Sam looked over to the Gryffindor table.  Harry wasn't eating but looking at Sam with a glare. Were you talking to Draco?  Harry asked through thoughts. (I just needed more words XD). Yeah he asked why I wasn't eating. Sam said back.

Are you guys friends? Harry asked with anger. No- well im not sure I only met him a little while ago and he insulted Ron, he did say he was sorry though and I believe him. Sam thought back, Harry was about to ask another question before Sam cut him off. you need to eat this is the only time you'll get to gorge yourself before heading back to the dursleys. Sam thought and cut off Harrys thoughts and went back to looking at his hands.

"you should eat something Sam. its going to be a long night." Draco said handing Sam a green apple. "I'm seriously fine Draco. its not the end of the world if I don't eat." Sam said with another smile. Draco just went back to the food in front of him and Sam just sat there rather awkwardly.

After a few Moments everyone had finished eating and the 'Prefects'  went to the front of the table in their houses and everyone else (except the first year's) Sam got up along with  Draco and his goons and everyone followed the prefect. they made their way down the stairs Draco mindlessly talking to Sam but Sam wasn't listening. "And then I- Sam?" Draco said forcing Sam out of his nightmare of a mind. "yes?" Sam said looking over to Draco. "you weren't listening." Draco said looking towards his feet.

"im sorry Draco. my mind was in a whole different place. what were you saying.?" sam said and Draco started to talk again from the beginning. "Oh, I didn't know you were a pureblood." Sam said "What is a pureblood?" Sam asked. "A pure blood is someone whose whole family is all wizards and witches." Draco answered pointing to himself with a smirk.

"so what is someone with only one magic parent?" Sam asked. "A half blood. Like you." Draco said with a small smile. "how'd you know?" "everyone in the whole school knows. you guys are legends." Draco said with a frown. "don't like that I'm famous?" Sam said with a smirk and Draco laughed.

"Of course not. but i'm reminded that your brother quickly hated me." Draco said frowning. "well I don't hate you. that should be enough."  Sam said nudging Draco.  Draco smiled and both boys went silent as they made their way to the dungeons. "this is where our common room and dormitories are. the people you are with in this dormitory now is the people you are going to be with for the rest of the time you're here."

Sam and Draco looked at each other and spoke at the same time. "We better be in the same room." Sam and Draco's eyes widened "I've never done that with anyone besides Harry." Sam said "I havent done that at all! that was so cool!" Draco said with a smile. "The passcode for this week is 'Janto.'"(I like Jack/Ianto ;P) The prefect said and the picture opened. they all walked into the dungeon and say the beautiful common room. everyone groaned at how cold it was and how ugly it looked but Sam thought differently. "God! this is Gorgeous!" Sam said as he ran into the common room.

everyone looked confused at the boy. "I mean look at it! all of the colours and room! the cold is bad but we can fix that with a fire!" Sam said looking around the place. Sam began running around the place and every other child looked at each other before running around with Sam. Draco and Sam played tag around the common room laughing with all of the kids before they both fell over. "Ha! you're it!" Sam said laughing at Draco. Draco looked back at Sam and then the prefect cleared his throat loudly, catching his breath because he was probably hanging out with the other kids.

"As much as I'd love to hang out with you all and play we've got to go towed. but we can all do this tomorrow. You're stuff will be there tomorrow morning." The prefect said with a smile.  everyone groaned but smiled at the prefect at the news about tomorrow. everyone said Okay and started to head to the rooms with their names on them. "Look Sam! we are together!" Draco said pointing at the sign with the names:

Zabini, Blaise

Crabbe, Vincent

Goyle, Gregory

Malfoy, Draco

Potter, Sam

Sam smiled and opened the door to the room. "Wow!" Sam said looking at the beds. "Such big beds!" Sam said running over to the bed in the corner jumping on it, claiming that bed as his. Draco ran over to the one beside him and jumped on that one.

"you should see my bed at home." Draco said laughing at the kid. "YOU should see my bed at my house." Sam said laughing cuddling into his pillow. "did you have your own room?" Draco asked. "Sort of. But I only had one bed so I had to sleep in the same bed with harry." Sam said looking over to the boy. Harry? Sam asked in his mind and Harry responded back with a hey. Sam smiled and Draco spoke. "Only one bed? I thought you both were very rich. you know, from admirers and your parents? " Draco asked and Sam gave a small smile.

"I didn't know we had money until a couple days ago. plus money in the wizarding world works different than the muggle world." Sam answered the blonde. "how?" Draco asked tilting his head to the side. "Well we do use coins but we use paper money for more bigger bills." Sam said sitting up. "Really? what else is different?" Draco said sitting up as well.  "Well muggles have things called Cellphones. They use them to talk to other people on internet and internet is where you could look up important things and talk to people. its like a big thing in space." Sam said Pointing to the roof.

"Cool! what else?" "well... im some schools you can wear your own clothes. like clothes you buy at stores." "what kind of stores?" "clothes stores. like where you buy your robes but all different types of clothes. I have some. want to see?" Sam asked to which Draco nodded. Sam took off his robe to reveal his normal clothes, although they were really big on him, which Draco questioned. "why are they so big on you?" "because these arent my clothes. they are my cousin Dudley's. Me and harry get his hand me downs." Sam said with a small smile. "Oh." Draco said laying down on his back, Sam joined him on his bed.

"I'm telling you all of this in confidence that you won't use this against me and my brother." Sam said softly. "I promise I won't. You're like my new best friend and as much as I hate your brother right now for embarrassing me-" "hey." "- I wouldn't do that to either of you." Sam smiled at that. "thank you." Sam whispered and got up from the bed. "We should go to bed." Sam said and  Draco got up as well. "okay lets put on our PJ's" Draco said and started to take off his robe.

Sam turned around and started to undress to but quickly putting on his pyjamas. He was done and turned around to see Draco done and putting his curtains on his bed. Sam went over and tapped on Draco's shoulder. "hmm?" Draco said as he turned around and Sam hugged him. "thank you." Sam said and Draco was confused. "thank you for what?" He asked. "thank you for being my first friend other than harry." Sam said and Draco hugged him back. "you're welcome."

Sam let go of the boy and kissed his cheek. "goodnight!"

~~~~~~~~Few Hour's Later~~~~~~~~

Sam couldn't sleep. No matter how much he tried he just couldn't sleep. He turned and moved around the bed in ways no other boy would but it didn't work. He missed sleeping in the same bed with harry. It had become a habit considering the slept in the same bed for all there life.

but he just turned and tried to go back to bed. but it didn't work. So he just laid there.


Twin boys. HP (Male OC x ???) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now