6. Trolls and Broken Bones

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"Hermione its okay! It wasn't true! Ron is just a selfish arsehole." Sam says whispering the last part. "But I don't have any friends! Ron is right!" Hermione says as she sobs. "Thats not true! you have friends! you have me! and Neville, Also Seamus, Pansy, Dean and Harry! Ron is just a little mean boy that was just jealous!" Sam says and sits on the ground, back facing the door same as Hermione on the other side.

"Hermione, Im sorry for Ron. He had no right to say that just because he was mad." Sam said and sighed. "Take your time. Ill go into the kitchen later and pick up some food for you." Sam says smiling. "Do you want to do some homework in here?" Sam said and Hermione immediately opened the door. "In here?" Hermione said and Sam smiled. "Of course." Hermione closed the door for one more minute before opening to Hermione wiping tears away and with her book bag.

We both went over to the sink in silence and looked into the mirror. They both see the troll and back up, back into the stall Hermione was crying in. The troll hit the top of the stalls which cause both Hermione and Sam to scream. "I Am not ready to die by a troll!" Sam said "Hermione, Sam! Move!" Harry said and with that Hermione and Sam began crawling under the other stalls. the troll kept hitting the stalls as Hermione yelled "Help! Help!"

Harry and Ron began throwing pieces of wood at the ugly troll. " Hey, pea brain!" Ron says and throws a wood that hits the trolls head, giving enough time for Hermione to escape to the boys but not long enough for Sam as he still trys to run.

Sam hides underneath the sink but the troll sees him and hits the sinks barely missing Sams head but not missing his arm that was holding onto the sink and everyone hears a sickening crack that everyone cringes too but Sam doesn't make a sound as he covers his mouth and starts to move again. Harry feels the pain in his arm from Sams broken one but doesn't give it too much thought as he has to go in and save his brother.

Harry jumps onto the trolls head as he bends down "Whooa! Whoa, whoa!" the troll notices harry on his head and he began moving his head back and forth a lot making Harry accidentally stick his want up the Trolls nostril. "Ew." Ron said in disgust.

Harry is stuck with his wand in the trolls nose as the troll sneezes causing harry to fall and the Troll to pick him up and start to swing to hit Harry. Harry dodges as he yells at Ron "Do something!" Ron looks confused "What?" "Anything! Hurry up!" Harry says as he dodges another hit from the troll.

Sam wimpers in pain as he starts to feel the pain in his arm. "God how did Neville live when this happened?" Ron grabs his wand and Hermione moves her hand "Swish and flick!" She said and Ron did the swish and Flick " Wingardium Leviosa!" The trolls club floats in the air as the troll tries to hit harry but sees that he doesn't have the club an looks up and sees the club before it drops on his head, knocking the troll out. Harry falls to the ground and quickly moves as the troll lands on the ground.

Harry runs over to Sam as he staggers to Harry, Ron and Hermione follow Harry to the boy. Sam sees Ron and slaps him. "You're lucky I don't beat you to death. Thank you for saving me." Sam says and sees all the teachers come into the room. Snape and Sam make eye contact before Sam passes out.

Everyone finds out that he was stabbed in the side with a wooden part of the stalls. Severus takes Sam to the hospital wing, but not before Harry can see the cut on Snapes leg.

"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Hermione says and everyone one looks at her. "miss granger?"

"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead."Hermione said looking down.

Twin boys. HP (Male OC x ???) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now