9. Cloaks and Mirrors

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Sam was the first to wake up to the commotion downstairs. Narcissa seemed to try and make breakfast but it didn't work so she just made house elves do it, thanking them. Sam just laid there thinking back to his dream. Who were the three men? One was a liar. Sam remembered that much, he didn't remember the names or faces of any of them, but he knew all three of them would break his heart, he didn't want his heart to break.

sam sighed and looked over to Draco who was sleeping peacefully and Sam smirked. he got close to Draco... touched his cheek...

And yelled in his ear.

"DRACO!" Sam yelled and Draco shot up immediately which made Sam laugh. "Your face- oh merlin that was the funniest thing I have ever saw!" Sam said laughing so much he fell off the bed. "That was so funny!" Sam said laughing loudly. "Boys come down for breakfast!" "race ya!" Sam said and started to run while Draco was trying to get out of bed but failing miserably falling onto his face.

~~~~~Sorry for doing this Draco and Sam sleepover so short. I don't know what to do for the rest!~~~~~

Sam sighed as he walked into the common room of Gryffindor. He went to Slytherin but it was empty, like probably only 2 people empty so Sam decided to see Ron and Harry and sleep in the same bed as Harry for the first time they came to Hogwarts. "Harry?" Sam said as he opened the door with his twins name on it. Harry looked up to see his twin. Harry grinned as well as Sam and they both went in and hugged each other.

"How are you?' Sam asked and Harry shrugged. "It was okay, missed you a lot though." Harry said and Sam just hugged him. "Missed you too! My little baby brother!" Sam said pinching his cheeks. "Wha- We don't know who's older." Harry said embarrassed pushing Sam's hands away. "Yeah I know im older by five minutes! Snape said everyone in the wizarding world knows!" Sam said laughing and Harry blushed.

"I- ugh!" Harry said laying on his bed. "Anyway. why aren't you at the Slytherin dorms?" Harry said as Sam laid down "No one is there barely, and I wanted to come see my bro. Plus I didn't want to be alone."Sam said recalling his nightmare. "Bad Dreams?" Harry asked and Sam just nodded. "I thought they stopped when we got to Hogwarts?" Harry said turning over to Sam.

"They did but they came back at Draco's manor. He helped me through them though." Sam said and Harry held his hand. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." Harry said frowning. "Its fine. we both didn't know they'd start up again. Besides, as I said I had Draco he helped a lot." Sam said turning to face Harry. "What'd you and Ron do while I was gone?" Sam asked changing the subject. "Nothing important. Just some wizarding chess and sending letters to Hermione. Nothing fun." Harry said explaining their couple days.

"Well we'll have to do something fun for tomorrow." Sam said with a determined look that made Harry smile. "Definitely"


The next morning all the boys woke up and went to the great hall for breakfast in a silence, but Sam broke that silence when it became to much. "Ron! You said your brother Charlie studied Dragons in Romania! Where in Romania and what kind of Dragons?" Ron perked up when he finally got to talk about how cool his brother Charlie was. "He studies all kinds of Dragons but the most dangerous one he works on is Hungarian Horntail. The most vicious! He works in a very dry and hot part of Romania so we cant come see him often due to the extreme heat and because of my family financial state its harder to get there." Ron said frowning at the last part.

"I bet he is really cool to be working with Dragons! I hope you can visit him soon, sounds like a bummer not to see him. But cheer up! The less you see him the cooler stories he'll have to tell!" Sam said waving his hands around. Ron smiled and nodded. "Yeah I bet." "Didn't you have another brother that is out of Hogwarts? I heard you mentioning him." Sam said as they reached the table and Harry began eating just listening to their conversation.

Twin boys. HP (Male OC x ???) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now