2. Wands, Meetings and Houses

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Sams wand. I know its snaps but just change a couple features because I really like snapes. (When you read a certain part come back to this thing: NO SNAPE IS NOT SAMS SOULMATE. we will not know until other books."

<3 <3

"First year students will require: three sets of plain wardrobe's, one wand..." Sam looked up from his letter to look at Hagrid. "Essential bit of equipment Sam."  Hagrid said looking between the boys.  Sam just looked back at his letter and continued reading. "One pair of dragon hide gloves" Both Sam and Harry looked up to Hagrid but Harry was the first to speak.

"Hagrid do they mean from a real Dragon?" Harry asked. "Well they don't mean a penguin do they?" Hagrid said and chuckled to the boys. "...I'd love a dragon." Hagrid said looking into space. "You'd like a dragon?" "Vastly misunderstood beasts, Harry. Vastly misunderstood." Hagrid said to harry and smiled to the woman sitting a few feet away. 

- - 

"All students must be equipped with: one stander size 2 cauldron and may bring if they desire an Owl, a Cat or a Toad. I've always wanted a Siamese Cat!" Sam exclaimed looking excited. "Can we really find all of this in London?" Harry asked looking over to Hagrid. "if you know where to go." Hagrid said and all three made their way to what looks like a pub.

once they entered the pub you could hear a loud voice "Ah Hagrid! usually I presume?" The Bartender asked. "No thanks Tom, i'm on official Hogwarts business." Hagrid step and step forward a little with Sam and Harry in his arms. "Just helping young Sam and Harry buy school supplies." Hagrid said patting both on the head. 

The bartender looked astonished "bless my soul. Harry Potter..." and everything in the Pub stopped. People began swarming the two. "welcome back Potter's! Welcome back." "Doris crumpford Mr potter, I can't believe i'm meeting you at last." A lady said to Sam shaking his hand. Sam just smiled not comfortable with people touching him.

"P-P-Potter! C-Can't tell you how ple-pleased I am to meet to b-both." A man with a big thing around his head said. Both boys didn't know what it was though. "Hello  Professor! I Didn't see you there, Harry, Sam this is professor Quirrell, He will be your defence against the dark arts teacher a Hogwarts." Hagrid said and Harry looked at the man "oh nice to meet you." Both Sam and Harry said sticking out their hands to shake his but Quirrell didn't like that idea as he didn't shake either hand.

"F-F-Fastinating subject... N-N-Not that you be n-need it hey Potter?" Quirrell said laughing at his own joke. Hagrid just chuckled and pushed Harry and Sam forward. "That's well, must be going now. Lots to buy" Hagrid said chuckling. "Bye." Sam and Harry said as they walked away  from the man. But Sam was still staring at the man, having a dark feeling about him. 

All three made their way to a room in the back "See potter's you're famous!" Hagrid said as he opened the door. "But why are we famous Hagrid? Those people back there, They know who we are!" "I'm not sue im exactly the right person to tell you that harry." Hagrid said and grabbed his umbrella shaped wand. He hit them on the wall in spots he knew to hit. then he step back a little and the bricks on the wall started to move. "woah..." said said as it made a door shape. "Welcome boys... to diagon alley." Hagrid said as both boys slowly walked out, mouths gaping. 

Harry and Sam immediately smiled and walked out into the street, Hagrid following. "This is where you guys are going to get your quill's and your ink.  and over there bits and bobs fro wizardry." Hagrid said but neither boy was paying attention as they looked down the street. They saw food, Owls and bats but one thing stuck out to Harry the most. Every kid was by a big glass window and inside was what looked like a broom.

"But Hagrid how are we suppose to pay for this? We haven't any money." Harry said but Sam was to preoccupied looking at A Siamese Cat through glass. "Well theres your money harry! Gringotts. Wizard bank! No safer place! except perhaps Hogwarts..." He said and they all walked to the entrance walking into the Bank.

Twin boys. HP (Male OC x ???) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now