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A week later and Jimin still had Hyun on his mind. He wasn't sure what had caused the sudden change in his demeanour but, once Jimin had got over the shock of basically being kicked out of his flat, he had been more than annoyed. Who the hell did Hyun think he was?

And as for that damn speaker...

Jimin huffed as he sat at his desk. This time round the concept had finally been accepted and Jimin was more than relieved to be rid of it.

Taehyung pushed Jimin's office door open.

"We don't knock anymore?" Jimin snapped running his fingers through his hair.

Tae grinned and knocked on the door.

"Haha." Jimin said his mood not alleviated.

"Come on grumpy. Lunch." Tae said.

"Fine." Jimin pushed his chair back with a huff and followed Tae.

Little did Jimin know that a few floors up someone else was having a crisis of his own.

"Why did you say that to him? You said you liked him just a second a go or are talking about someone different now?" Jin practically screeched down the phone at Yoongi.

"I did... I do. I just... I don't know."

"You have done nothing but talk about him all week and yet you told him to get lost."

"He was nice, Jin. Like really nice. He was bothered about whether I was ok or not. I don't know I guess it just threw me off a bit."

"Why would that throw you off? Are me and Joon not nice enough to you?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, thankful Jin couldn't see him.

"Hyung, that's not what I mean, and you know it."

"Any good top gives after care Yoongi."

"Yeah." was all Yoongi could manage.

Yoongi knew all this but it really seemed like Jimin cared about how Yoongi felt, and he wasn't used to that sort of care.

Most he'd been with had been able to get Yoongi off and then clean up and go, but Jimin... Jimin seemed to want to clean him up and cuddle and probably fall sleep together.

Yoongi couldn't let that happen.

"You still there, Yoon?"

"Yeah, look I have to go. Work you know?" Yoongi hung up without waiting for a reply.

Yoongi was planning to spend the next few hours answering e mails but after just sitting and staring at the screen he decided he might as well do it from home.

Yoongi rode the elevator down to the ground floor, thinking of Jimin the whole time. He wanted to see Jimin again, but he didn't know how to go about doing that unless he went to the club every night until he saw him again.

Yoongi stepped out the elevator when it reached the bottom floor and stopped in his tracks.

He was clearly thinking about Jimin too much if he saw him walking out the front door of his own building. Yoongi rubbed his eyes but no, there he was walking out with another man, there was no mistaking that shock of red hair.

Yoongi ran his hand over his face. He had slept with one of his own employees.

Jimin sat and listened to Tae ramble on about how wonderful JK was, humming in the right places.

"OK, what's wrong? You've been off all week." 

"What? I'm fine." Jimin said with a wave of his hand.

"It's that guy you went home with... Hmmm?"

"No... Yes... I don't know Tae. He just seemed to change so quick."

"What do you mean?"

"He was nice, confident, clearly knew what he wanted..."

"You." Tae inserted.

"And then when we were done, I did what I would do for anyone and his whole attitude changed, like a switch was flipped or something."

"So, he wanted a one-night stand." Tae said.

"Well, I didn't want anything more than that either, but at least I wasn't an arse hole about it." Jimin huffed.

"Just forget about it, about him and move on to the next one."


Jimin had been trying to forget about him for a whole week but Hyun had lingered in his thoughts and seemed determined not to leave.

Jimin wasn't surprised to find himself out again with Tae and JK, but Jimin had insisted on a different club to last time in the hopes that he wouldn't bump into Hyun.

Jimin was pleasantly buzzing from the alcohol and dancing wedged up behind Tae with JK at Tae's front. Men had come and gone the whole night so far assuming they were a threesome and at the moment that was fine by Jimin.

Jimin eventually detached himself from Tae and wandered over to the bar.

"I don't think I like seeing you draped over someone else." 

Jimin took a breath and turned round, knowing who was speaking to him.

"I don't think you have any say in the matter."

Jimin's heart rate kicked up a gear as he stood looking at Hyun. He looked just as good as he did last week and Jimin found himself wish he could rail Hyun until he cried.

"Look I'm sorry..."

"Save it. It was a one-night thing, don't worry about it." Jimin grabbed his drink to walk away.

"Can't we make it a two-night thing?" Hyun asked pulling his bottom lip into his mouth.

"You took that much pleasure in kicking me out once that you want to do it again?" Jimin scoffed and tried to walk away again.

"I don't want to kick you out again. Come home with me and stay." Hyun said grabbing Jimin's wrist.

Hyun wasn't sure what came over him but when he saw Jimin dancing with his friends, but he knew he didn't like it. He knew that they were only friends and that the way they were all grinding together didn't mean a damn thing to any of them. Hyun watched as men approached and walked away maybe thinking the three of them were together, but Hyun knew different. Hyun found it hard to make sense of his feelings. He felt bad for the way he had treated Jimin last time. When he knew Jimin was there he thought maybe fate brought them here together so Hyun could make amends.

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