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Jimin smiled as Hyun kissed him again.
"I have to go." Jimin mumbled against his lips.
"Ok." Hyun looked at him and pouted.
"It would help if you moved your foot." Jimin laughed.
"I don't know what you mean."
"Your foot... it's stopping the doors closing."
Jimin raised an eyebrow at Hyun.
"Oh... that... yeah ok. Hang on."
Jimin laughed as Hyun leaned in for another kiss.
Jimin had been trying to leave for about 5 minutes, after Hyun had finally let him off the bed.
Hyun finally released Jimin and moved his foot.
"See you later." Jimin said, with a grin,
as the doors closed.

Yoongi finally gave in and answered his phone that had been going off most of the morning.
"How's your ass?" A voice cackled.
Yoongi rolled his eyes before answering.
"And hello to you too, Jin hyung."
"Why aren't you at work?"
"I was busy. I'm just going to start work now."
"Busy, huh? Nothing to do with a certain employee?"
"Jimin was here."
Jin laughed.
"I thought as much, seeing as you weren't in your office. So it went ok?"
"Mhm, he realised what I wanted to speak with him about."
"And what? We sorted it out."
"And why weren't you in this morning?"
"I decided to work from home today."
"So you didn't get fucked to within an inch of your life?"
Yoongi thought back to last night and this morning.
After they had sorted the condom issue and they had settled into each other's company, sex hadn't even crossed Yoongi's mind. He had enjoyed spending time with the younger male, just getting to know him better.
And this morning?
Well Yoongi had really wanted his coffee and some breakfast but that idea had soon been forgotten about when he had seen the look on Jimin's face. He looked like he wanted to devour Yoongi and that's exactly what Jimin had done.
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'm not answering that." He replied.
"You're no fun."
Yoongi grinned imaging the pout on Jin's face.
"Leave me alone and let me work."
Yoongi hung up, with a grin, before the elder could reply, knowing that doing so would have wound Jin up at his lack of respect.
Yoongi tried to clear his mind of the younger male, who always seemed to fill his mind these days and headed to his office.

Jimin walked out the elevator and headed towards his flat failing to notice the man sat outside his front door.
"I take it you forgot about this morning then?"
Jimin looked up to see a slightly pissed off Tae sitting on the floor.
"Ah, sorry Tae." Jimin said scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, I did forget."
"Where have you been? I've been trying to get you all morning?" Tae said holding up his phone.
Jimin hadn't even looked at his phone since he entered Hyun's flat last night.
"I had to sort some stuff out last night and ended up staying at a friends."
Tae's eyes lit up.
"Oooo, do I know this friend? Did you get laid?"
Jimin flushed, not even sure why he was embarrassed. These were things he and Tae had always talked about, but he didn't want to share his time with Hyun last night with Tae.
"No, you don't know them." Was all Jimin said as he pulled his keys out his pocket and opened his front door.
"Awww, come on spill. Is it the guy from the club? I knew you liked him." Tae was literally bouncing around Jimin like an excited puppy.
Jimin walked to his kitchen pulling some cans of soda from the fridge.
Tae settled on a kitchen stool, placing his elbows on the surface, his chin resting on his hands. He looked at Jimin expectantly.
"Drink." Jimin said and pushed a can towards Tae.
"Tell meeeee."
"Nope." Jimin popped the can and took a mouthful.
"It's definitely that guy and you DO like him or you'd be telling all about it by now."
Jimin loved Tae to bits. He was his best friend and it was true, Jimin would usually spill about one night stands, but for now he wanted to keep Hyun to himself and enjoy him as much as possible while they worked out where it was going to lead.
"I'm not saying anything." Jimin said and pursed his lips.
"Fine." Tae huffed knowing how stubborn Jimin could be. "Come on then. We've got work to do."
Jimin let out a breath relieved that, for now, Tae had given up on the subject of his affection.

Hoseok stretched and ran his fingers through his pink and light purple hair as he waited for his suitcase to come off the carousel. It had been years but he was happy to be back in Seoul.
As he waited his mind wandered to his friends and his... he nearly said boyfriend but he and Jimin had split up on good terms before he had left.
Hoseok hoped they would be able to pick up where they had left off. He still held feelings for Jimin.
He huffed as he pulled his suitcase off the carousel and dragged it behind him, thankful that the rest of his gear would be coming along later.
Hoseok hailed a taxi outside the airport and headed home.
It felt like he had never left, just the small difference of not being able to call Jimin his own anymore.
Part of him refused to accept that Jimin may well have moved on.
Hoseok had not met anyone who even measured up to Jimin and that had made him stay single, with the odd one nighter here and there.
No one knew he was coming home, not Tae, not JK and definitely not Jimin.
The busier Hoseok had got, after he'd moved, the harder it had become to stay in contact with everyone. He wasn't sure that the phone numbers he had for them were even the same anymore.
He just hoped they would be happy to see him again.

*So, I didn't feel good not including Hobi in here in this story so there maybe a double storyline here.*

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