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*I'm sure its in the tags, but in case its not, please be aware of this chapter. It may trigger some with mentions of physical abuse.*

Yoongi huffed and hoisted the box into his arms. What the hell was in this one?

"Come on slow coach." Jeong exclaimed as he trotted passed Yoongi.

Yoongi shook his head with a smile, he knew full well that box that Jeong carried was full of pillows.

Yoongi shuffled into the foyer of the building and watched as Jeong entered the elevator.

"Wait for me." Yoongi huffed trying to walk faster.

Jeong laughed and waved at Yoongi with a wiggle of his fingers as the doors closed.

"Brat." Yoongi muttered as he put the box on the floor waiting for the elevator to return.

He and Jeong had found a decent 2 bedroom apartment close to Jeong's job and only one stop on the bus to Yoongi's. It was ideal.

They had agreed that the second room could be kitted out with Yoongi's gear, computers and everything else he would need to get his business idea off the ground.

The elevator pinged and the doors opened to reveal Jeong. He grinned at Yoongi and jogged off to get another box.

Yoongi picked up the box and stepped inside the elevator Just as he pushed the button Jeong had started to head back with another box.

"Hey, Yoongi! Wait for me." Jeong shouted across the foyer.

Yoongi grinned and slid his foot in front of the doors to prevent them closing but as Jeong got closer he pulled his foot away and the door slid shut.

Yoongi chuckled as the elevator took him up to his floor.

"Serves him right!" Yoongi laughed to himself.

He got up to the flat and put the box on the kitchen side. He pulled the tape off the top to check the contents.

Of course, he was most of his gear and electronics in there. He hauled the box back into his arms and headed off to the second bedroom.

He was heading back down the hall when Jeong came in.

"What the fuck?"

Yoongi looked at Jeong non plussed.

"I told you to wait for me!"

"Ah revenge is sweet." Yoongi laughed and made to walk past Jeong.

Before Yoongi could register what had happened his head was thrown to the side and his cheek stung.

"What the hell..." Yoongi muttered.

Next thing he knows is Jeong holding his face in his hands turning it to face him.

So many apologies poured out of his mouth along with promises of it not happening again and not knowing what came over him.

Yoongi had looked into Jeong's water logged eyes and had believed every word that had spilled from Jeong's mouth. He tentatively pulled his face out of Jeong's hands and had brought his own hand up to rub at his cheek.

"I'm sorry, really sorry Yoon. I-I don't know why..."

Yoongi shrugged.

"Ok, no worries." Yoongi said still a little shocked. He didn't know what else to say. He walked passed Jeong and went for another box.

Little did Yoongi know he had set a precedent for Jeong to do it again and for Yoongi to forgive him and except it.

The rest of the move went smoothly but quietly. Yoongi not knowing what to say and if he did say anything would it cause Jeong to set on him again.

For a few months they had lived in peace. Each busy with their own jobs and Yoongi working at getting his work off the ground. He wanted to produce music, knew he was damn good at what he did and that's what the spare room was set up for him to do.

Jeong worked for a well known lawyer firm, he was paid well and enjoyed his job. Sometimes he would come home and brag that he had managed to get someone off the hook,not caring whether that person was actually guilty or not. That's where Yoongi found he would have difficulty with a job like that, he knew his conscience would have eaten at him especially if he had known if that person was actually guilty.

This particular day Yoongi had worked the morning shift in the restaurant, waiting on all the posh bastards that strolled through the door. He tried not to take how they treated him to heart, the tips were good, and it was only a temp job until he was discovered.

He had got home not long after 12pm and had made himself some ramen, then sloping off to shut himself in his studio.

The trouble he sometimes had was that when he was close to getting something completed he lost track of time. This usually didn't happen until he went back to his studio after he and Jeong had eaten their evening meal together. He often woke up slumped in his chair, computer still running and a crick in his neck.

This day though, this day he had come so close to getting the beat how he wanted it. It just needed that little something else and he spent hours trying to find what was missing, slipping into his own mind and switching off to the outside world.

He didn't come back until he felt a stinging pain running over his scalp and he found himself being dragged out of his studio. He beat at the hands that gripped his hair and shouted, trying to kick out or plant his feet so he couldn't be pulled. But it was no use. Jeong was taller and had more muscle than him.

Yoongi was dropped to the floor next to the island that separated the kitchen from the lounge.

"What's missing?" Jeong stood over him shouting, "Huh? What's wrong with this picture, Yoongi?"

Yoongi slowly got to his feet, too stunned to even formulate an answer.

"You don't know?" Jeong was getting angrier and redder in the face. Yoongi was frozen.

"Dinner, Yoongi! Where's my fucking dinner?"

"S-sorry. I-I got distracted. I was so..."

"I don't give a fuck! Just get dinner done!"

Yoongi stood staring after Jeong as he stormed down the hall, Yoongi flinched as the bedroom door slammed shut.

Jimin sat in silence listening to everything Yoongi was saying, and his heart broke over and again for Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed and looked away from the window, he swiped his fingers under his eyes collecting the tears that had tracked down his face.

"You know that was the day I did the most stupid thing in the world," Yoongi snorted as he recalled the rest of that day. "I cooked dinner, accepted his apologies and then let him have his way with me that same night."

"It's what you thought was best." Jimin said having no idea how to help Yoongi through this.

Yoongi smiled at him sadly.

"No, not really. I was stupid enough to think he still loved me. That he had just had a bad day. That tomorrow would be better. The next day was better, the following weeks even, until..."

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