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Jimin stared down at the lifeless body on the bed. He couldn't help the guilt he felt inside, if Hobi hadn't of... Jimin shook his head not wanting to think about what had lead them to this point.
"Is he going to be ok?" Jimin turned to the two men in the room.
"Yeah. He was lucky he didn't have any other injuries, except those on his face and head." Jin replied.
"They are keeping him sedated to let his brain heal, but there maybe some lasting effects. We won't know for sure until he wakes up."
Jimin looked up at the other man who had spoken.
"Sorry, I'm Namjoon."
Jimin just nodded.
"Here, sit down." Jin said as he pointed to the seat he had just vacated, "We'll go and get a drink. Do you want anything?"
Jimin sat down, taking Hyun's hand in his and shook his head.

"Yoongi hasn't told Jimin who he is yet." Jin said lifting his coffee to his mouth.
"You think we should tell him?"
"I don't know. They clearly have something going on. It's not like Yoongi to be that reckless when driving and it happened outside Jimin's building."
Jin shrugged.
"He's going to find out eventually after all this is over. I don't think he's even processed that the hospital told him he wasn't here, but I took him to see Yoongi. It won't take long for him to put it together."
Joon nodded and took a mouthful of coffee.
"We may have to tell Jimin and see what happens."

Jimin had spent the last few minutes whispering apologies to Hyun. His voice soon tapered off to nothing as he stared out the window, still holding Hyun's hand.
Jimin couldn't help but think of everything that had lead them up to this point.
There was a niggle at the back of Jimin's mind but as he tried to chase it, it seemed to get further away, harder to pin down.
Jimin sighed and looked around the room. It was just the same as a normal hospital. White walls, hard plastic chairs to sit on and the usual sheet and blanket to cover the patient. The wall behind Hyun's bed had a lamp and tv green against them, they were able to be pulled out should the patient want to use them. Next to this was a small white board, Hyun's doctor's name was printed up there alongside a name Jimin knew well.
Yoongi, Min Yoongi.
Jimin stared down at Hyun.
Min Yoongi.
Jimin knew that name, the name of a CEO he worked for, didn't know the face of, but there was no mistaking the name.
Jimin's hand slowly slipped from Hyun's hand.
Hyun... Yoongi... whoever he was had lied to him.
Was he ever going to tell Jimin who he was?
Jimin had told Hyun everything about himself, even about Hobi, and yet he had held this secret away from Jimin.
He asked Hyun to trust him about Hobi, but it was clear that Jimin couldn't trust this man, no matter what name he used.
Jimin slumped back in the chair as the realisation hit him. No wonder the nurse had said Hyun wasn't here.
"Who are you?"
Was Yoongi all Hyun had said he was or was Hyun's persona made up to go along with the name? Was this whole person a lie?
Jimin pushed the chair back as he got up. He couldn't be here, he didn't know this person, he had to go.
Just as he turned to leave the door opened and Jin and Joon came back in the room.
"Are you going?" Jin asked.
Jimin looked at Jin.
"You knew, you know who he really is."
Jimin watched as Jin's face contorted into surprise.
"Knew what?"
"You knew he was lying to me!" Jimin nearly shouted, "You came and got me from the front desk after I had been asking for Hyun and you brought me here. You knew."
"Yes, we knew, but you need to understand..."
"I don't need to understand anything." Jimin said as he pushed past Jin and Joon to get to the door.
"I understand that he lied to me. I was stupid enough to ask him to trust me, but I couldn't even trust him." Jimin said quietly facing the door, "I hope he gets better soon."
Jimin pulled the door open and left without looking back.

Tae watched as Jimin applied a small amount of make up.
"I don't think this is a good idea, Jimin. You're angry. This isn't the way to work through it."
Jimin scoffed.
"I'm going out for a few drinks. Why is that such a problem?"
Tae looked Jimin up and down, he hadn't seen these clothes since Hobi had left, soft colours, soft make up. Tae knew he was going out in search of someone to take him apart, to help him forget.
"You've slipped."
Jimin stared at Tae's reflection in the mirror.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You... just be careful, please."
Jimin grabbed his wallet and keys, shoving them into his pockets as he headed to the door.
"Don't be here when I get back." Jimin said as he opened the door.
Tae just nodded. Jimin left, shutting the door behind him.
Tae picked up his phone.
"He needs you."
Tae sent the message before he could have second thoughts. If Jimin was going to do this then he needed someone he could trust to look after him. Tae could have easily helped Jimin, but he wouldn't risk cheating on JK.

Hobi looked down at his phone as a text came through.
"Usual place?" he sent back.
"Yeah, as far as I know."
Hobi nodded at the text and went to get ready.
He felt guilty for what had happened and now Jimin needed him. Tae wouldn't have text him otherwise.
Hobi had to set his mind right. This wasn't about getting Jimin back, it was about helping him through the pain and letting himself go in a safe environment. Hobi would be able to find Jimin and sink him into the sub space that Jimin was currently craving.

Jimin entered the club and made a bee line for the bar. He wasn't out to get drunk, but if he was going to find that someone, he needed then he needed some courage to go looking. He ordered his drink and turned his back to the bar to taking in the bodies on the dance floor. He wondered idly how many of these people would end the night in the state he wanted to be in. The barman tapped his shoulder and handed him his drink. Jimin thanked him and turned back to the floor in front of him.
He felt someone come and stand next to him but kept his eyes trained in front of him.
"I was told you'd be here."
Jimin took a deep breath. Hobi.
"So, you are going to start following me around now. You know that's classed as stalking."
"Tae was worried about you. He asked me to keep an eye on you."
"He could have come with me."
"You know he can't give you what you're here for."
"And you can?" Jimin scoffed.
Hobi leaned in closer to Jimin's ear.
"You know I can."
Jimin tried to ignore the goosebumps that erupted over his neck and shoulder.
Jimin gulped down his drink.
"I'll need more of these before I let you even touch me."
Hobi smiled and ordered another drink for them both.
Jimin knew Hobi was right, for what he wanted right now Hobi was his best option.

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