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Yoongi leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hands over his face. The last few months had been hard, but they would have been harder had he not had the support of Jin, Joon and Jimin.

They had all given their evidence to court, apart from Jimin. What Jimin knew was only hearsay, what he had been told by Yoongi and wouldn't be stable evidence. But Jimin had been there the whole time, when Yoongi had given his account of everything, when Yoongi needed a shoulder to lean on and he had taken it on himself to, not to move in a such, but to be a constant presence so Yoongi never had to come home to an empty apartment. Jimin had kept topics of conversation firmly away from Jeong's trial, which Yoongi appreciated. Jimin's patience had been a blessing as well.

Most days Yoongi had come home and just wanted to eat and sleep. Yoongi and Jimin hadn't been intimate in a long while, but not once had Jimin complained.

At the thought of being intimate with Jimin Yoongi's mind wandered. He had been loath to let his imagination wander too far as Jeong had always invaded these thoughts. They would start blissfully with Jimin but would always end with Jeong's hands around his throat. Yoongi shuddered.

No! He wouldn't let Jeong into his thoughts anymore. Soon enough the man would be locked away and unable to harm Yoongi or his loved ones.

Yoongi settled back further, slouching in his chair, Jimin's face the only one in his mind's eye.

Jimin pushed his chair away from his desk and stretched his arms above his head as he watched Tae walking towards his open office door.

Since everything with Yoongi had come to light Jimin had been going through his own issues with his co-workers. Accused of sleeping his way to the top as well as the usual homophobic slurs muttered when he passed someone in corridors.

Tae had tried to persuade Jimin to tell Yoongi what had been going on, but Jimin had waved Tae off. The slurs were nothing new to Jimin and it would settle down eventually. Yoongi had enough to deal with without Jimin adding to it.

Jimin's thoughts were broken when Tae knocked on his door frame.

"I ask every day and I know the answer, but I'll try anyway. Are you coming for a drink?"

Jimin smiled. He knew he had been neglecting his friendship with Tae and Jungkook, but they had understood Jimin's need to be available for Yoongi.

"If you know the answer, why ask?" Jimin grinned at Tae. "It's nearly over and then we can all go out and celebrate."

"Yeah, ok. But I'm holding you and Yoongi to that."

"Honestly, I will drag Yoongi along myself if I have to, he's been cooped up in his office or apartment for too long already."

Jimin grabbed his coat and wondered if it was worth going up and asking if Yoongi was ready to leave himself. He eventually decided against it knowing that Yoongi had work to catch up on and was using it as a distraction for as long as it would allow. Yoongi would leave when he was ready and Jimin would be at his apartment waiting for him with open arms as he had been doing for the last 6 months.

Jimin left the building with Tae but went their separate ways at the front door, as Jimin headed to Yoongi's apartment.

By the time Yoongi got back to his apartment it was well past midnight. He had managed to lose himself in his work and circling thoughts of Jimin. He had finally pushed himself away from his desk with a huff as he felt his arousal getting the better of him. In a way he was pleased, he hadn't been able to get to this point in the last few months and he wanted to get home, hoping Jimin was there, and finally get his relationship, or at the very least the physical side, with Jimin back on track.

Yoongi wasn't surprised to find the apartment in darkness when he arrived.

He switched on a lamp by the door and noticed Jimin's coat hanging up.

A smile curled at Yoongi's lips as he shrugged off his own coat and slipped his shoes off. Shutting off the light he headed towards his bed.

He stood and stared at the lump in his bed illuminated by the moon shining through the large windows.

Yoongi watched Jimin as he pulled of his clothes and walked around to his side of the bed, climbed in and settled himself behind Jimin, his chest to Jimin's back.

He let his fingers trace gently over Jimin's arm and over the exposed skin of his shoulder and neck.

"Yoongi?" Jimin mumbled.

Yoongi huffed a laugh.

"You were expecting someone else, hmm?"

Jimin sleepily shook his head and buried down into the covers pushing his body closer to Yoongi's.

Yoongi had to laugh again when Jimin pushed his ass back towards Yoongi's groin and a little surprised squeak had left him.

Yoongi let out a moan as his cock slid between Jimin's ass cheeks.

Jimin tried to turn over, but Yoongi held his hip tight, holding him in place as he kissed the back of Jimin's neck.

Yoongi knew what he wanted to do, and he knew it wasn't something they had done together before. He hoped that Jimin trusted him enough to let Yoongi have his way.

Yoongi let his finger run over the dips and rise of Jimin's ribs, the dip of his waist until his hand curled around his ass cheek, fingertips brushing Jimin's hole.


"Please?" Yoongi asked as his finger pressed at Jimin's ass.

Yoongi felt Jimin shudder as he nodded.

Yoongi hadn't had anyone under him before, but he had never had the chance to find out what he preferred, he'd had no choice but to go along with what Jeong wanted. He rolled over to his draw and pulled out a bottle of lube, slicking his fingers with it before he returned them to Jimin's hole.

For the first time in a long time Jimin was not going to slip, he didn't need his subspace, but he recognised Yoongi's need to have some control back, which was why he agreed to let Yoongi do as he pleased tonight.

* Yup I'm making you wait for the smut hehe ;)*

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