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*trigger warning: mentions of physical/ mental abuse*

It was dark where Yoongi was, trapped in the under stairs cupboard.
He had disobeyed and now he was receiving his punishment. He wouldn't know how long he'd be in this cramped space he just knew he wouldn't be allowed out until he was ready to let him out.
Yoongi curled into a ball with a grimace as the drying lube and cum squelched between his ass cheeks. He would have to sort that out himself later, but he was thankful his boner had died the minute he had been grabbed by his hair and dragged to the cupboard.
Yoongi had never been adverse to the pain/ pleasure side of sex, it was these punishments, being trapped in the cupboard, that made him turn in on himself and wonder exactly how it had all gone so wrong.

Yoongi and Jeong had met at university. For Yoongi it was love at first sight and found himself doing anything and everything to please Jeong in whatever way he could. It wasn't long before Yoongi realised what he did wasn't enough and Jeong's abusive nature began to surface.
Yoongi was blind to it, got angry with anyone who would point it out to him, he even went so far as to cut out Jin and Joon from his life.
As they say love is blind and Yoongi really had been blind to Jeong.
Months had turned into years and when they had decided to move into together is when the really bad stuff started to happen.
Yoongi's mind had been set on growing and running his own business but soon that dream had been wiped from his mind with the constant put downs.
"You will fail, like you do with everything! Your useless, if you can't keep me satisfied how do expect to be successful!"
Yoongi hadn't even been allowed to go and find a job. Jeong wanted him at home, dinner ready waiting for his lover to return home after his day at work.
Not that any of that was appreciated. There were countless stains on the walls from food thrown across the room in disgust and Yoongi would find himself slapped, punched or kicked for being a failure, promises dropping from Yoongi's lips, he would try harder, tomorrow would be better.
Their sex life wasn't much better. Jeong knew all of Yoongi's kinks but always seemed to cross the line between kink and abuse.
Of course that was Yoongi's fault too, he wasn't turning on Jeong enough to want him so felt he had to push Yoongi harder.
Yoongi had survived bald patches in his hair where Jeong and pulled enough to rip his hair out. Countless times Yoongi had woken up to red finger marks around his neck and not remembering how they got there, realising eventually that Jeong had choked him enough that he had passed out. Yoongi woke almost every morning with cum and lube dried to his skin knowing that Jeong had got what he had wanted from him.
The abuse carried on and Yoongi turned a blind eye to it all, he was in love, even though he knew in the back of his mind that one day he may never wake up.

Yoongi came to staring at the now cold cup of coffee in his hand as he lounged on his sofa.
Sometimes, no matter how hard he tried, Jeong always found his way into Yoongi's thoughts.
It was nights like this that he would go out on the hunt, find himself someone and get fucked senseless, the pain and torment in his mind numbed by the eventual orgasm.
He was never one to let the men he pulled to linger. As soon as they were done with him, Yoongi would get up and shower, scrubbing until his skin was red. By the time he felt cleansed enough to stop the other had left, which was fine with Yoongi.
Jimin on the other hand...
Yoongi wasn't sure what was going on. His mind wanted to protect him from the chance of history repeating itself but before Yoongi had even time to think Jimin had been up and cleaning Yoongi off himself.
It had shocked Yoongi to his core, no one had done that for him in so long. Yoongi's shock had manifested into arrogance, pushing Jimin away by throwing him out his apartment after they were done.
What Yoongi hadn't banked on was the red haired man consuming his every thought from there on out.
Yoongi pushed these thoughts to the side when the phone rang.
He rose from the sofa and answered it.
"Yeah, that's fine. Let him up."
Yoongi sat back on the sofa to wait for Jimin, wondering how this night would end.

Jimin was slightly miffed at being accosted at the elevator by what he assumed was a doorman of some sort.
It wasn't until said doorman phoned Hyun that he realised he wouldn't be able to get the elevator where it needed to go.
Jimin internally face palmed and thanked the doorman once he had swiped his card to allow Jimin to go up.
The whole journey up to the 50th floor had Jimin wondering why he was even here.
After last time he wasn't sure he'd ever see Hyun again, but then again he thought that when they had their first encounter.
Jimin wracked his brain trying to figure out why... had he done something wrong?
He thought over last weekend.
Jimin had thoroughly enjoyed himself and, by the sounds that he had made, so had Hyun. Jimin's orgasm had been amazing and he came more than he ever had, filling the...
"Ah, crap."
Jimin had been so wrapped up in Hyun that he'd forgot to wrap himself up.
He knew he was clean, tested himself regularly all the time he had been sexually active.
But Hyun didn't know that and Jimin didn't even know if Hyun did the same.
The ding of the elevator brought Jimin back to reality and as the elevator doors opened found himself staring at the back of Hyun's head.
"You can come in." Hyun muttered from the sofa.
"I'm really sorry." Jimin started as he toed off his shoes and headed to the sofa. "I was so caught up in the moment..."
Hyun turned his body on the sofa and draped his arm over the back of the sofa.
"Well that made this conversation easier." Hyun smirked, "When did you realise?"
Jimin grimaced and said, "Just now in the elevator."
"Now you know why I wanted privacy. It's not something to chat about in a cafe."
"No, probably not."
"Will you get tested?"
"Of course. I mean... I don't think your... but yeah I will."
"I don't think you're not clean either but just to be safe."
Jimin nodded.
"So, now what?" Jimin's asked.
"Well you can go or stay?" Hyun said and shrugged.

Yoongi tried to remain aloof, although he hoped Jimin chose to stay.
"You don't make this easy you know." Jimin replied exasperated.
"Make what easy?"
"When people ask if I want to stay I know from their general body language or tone of voice if I should chose to go or not. You? You make it so hard."
Yoongi sighed.
"I know I'm sorry, but you are the only person I've done this with. I usually keep myself to myself. Go out and get laid when the need arises and then they are gone. I have never seen the same face more than once."
"Ok, so I should go then." Jimin turned and walked up the three steps to the elevator.
"No! I didn't mean it like that. Shit, I'm rubbish at this."
"What do you want from me, Hyun?"
Yoongi took a deep breath.
"I want you to stay."

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