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Hey y'all!

When I first came up with the idea to review fanfiction regarding a specific blonde prat, I wasn't really expecting to start such a project so soon, mostly because of my educational obligations. However, I'm currently halfway through my senior year, and I've reached the conclusion that I could not give two shits anymore. Also, I'm painfully bored. I realized that if I don't start reviewing now, It's going to be virtually impossible to distinguish events and characters from one fanfic to another. I already deal with that problem enough reading at least five different fics simultaneously, so I might as well get the gears moving. Before jumping into the reviews, I just wanted to clear things up:

I'm currently only reviewing / rating Draco fanfiction. This means most of them are going to be Dramione or Draco x oc. I unfortunately am not interested in the Marauders era, but I might eventually pick up All the Young Dudes because of its stellar feedback.

If you happen upon my page as an author of a fic that I included on my list, please take my rating / review with a grain of salt. I'm one reader out of many. I also am a suck ass writer, so It's not like I could do any better than literally all of the fics on my list. Also, I personally will never bash an author, but there will undoubtedly be some fics that I'm not a fan of. If my opinion of a specific fanfic is deemed offensive, I will gladly take it down as per the author's discretion.

I'll be rating each fic based on the following set of criteria: Plot, smut, banter, readability, a general rating, and the amount of tiktok breaks I had to take during a read. For the last point, the more breaks the better, because these breaks were due to moments that made me really go WTF (surprise factor). I'll go into more specifics depending on the fanfiction, but these are the main points I want to focus on. I'll be rating each on a scale of 10, none of that 10203056/10 or -2/10 in order to retain the credibility of the ratings. For each fic, I will also give a definitive YES or NO for a recommendation. Each page will contain a link to the fanfiction, the author, and a summary (either by me or pulled directly from the author, in which I will give credit).

I TAKE RECOMMENDATIONS!! I'm always looking for new fics, so please let me know if you've found the next Manacled lol.

My reviews will be based on my personal taste(?) when it comes to Draco fics, so here are some of my specific opinions so that it's easier for y'all to see if you will like the fics that I ended up liking:

I like slow burns. Like sloooooooow burns. Fluff is great, but the longer the characters are in the angsty and tense stage, the better. 

I personally value plot over smut. I don't mind if there is barely any smut, but I generally like a balance of the two. However, I don't mind smut being the center of the fic if the writing is good enough. I usually read these as a buffer between longer fics.

I don't mind an obsessive Draco, but I'm not the biggest fan of those fics when he is the narrator. I personally don't like watching a mopey and depressed Draco pining after Hermione (or an oc) for the entirety of a fic. None of that Hermione being a manic pixie dream girl crap. I would much rather see such a fic through Hermiones / an ocs eyes, because most of the time they are completely oblivious so I don't need to hear about it.

I LOVE fics that have a lot of banter. I admire when an author is able to truly embody a character and create unique- and at times hilarious- dialogue.

I'm not the biggest fan of EXTREMELY dark fics, but I love them nonetheless. This just may affect the overall ratings of specific fics. I'll make a note if this happens to be the case.

If you skipped all of this, just know that I'm basically doing all of this in good nature and for fun. It's not anything crazy serious. I just wanted to share my opinions and hopefully help a couple of people find some quality Draco Malfoy fanfiction. Next page is the table of contents. I recommend looking at the bottom first if you are experienced because that's where you will find the hidden gems! I organized them in a specific way to begin with, but I guess when I add more fics they will just be at the end. I'll post the reviews as I finish them.

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