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!!WIP!! The Girl Who was Orphaned by Starryar (Breadmione) on ao3

Plot- 8/10

Readability- 10/10

Smut- 0/10 (ay yo they still children dud)

Banter- 8/10

TikTok breaks- 9/10

Slow Burn- 9/10 (slow as fuck)

Do I recommend? YES but NOT YET

Summary by Starryar:

A trip to France and one crooked political family later, and Hermione Granger's world has changed. After witnessing the death of her parents at the age of thirteen, she is unwillingly adopted by the Malfoy family. She wonders how she will survive, not just the grief of her parents death, but living in a home where everyone wants 'her kind' dead. The Girl Who Was Orphaned is a story of survival in every meaning of the word, told by an Aristocrat, a Lady, their Son and their Ward. This fic will start between the second & third school year and will continue until a little after 7th year.


I'm honestly surprised by how much I like this fic considering it's a Hogwarts era one, but it's surprisingly good. It has a lot of soft Draco, so if you're a toxic loving kinda person, don't read. The fluff is absolutely adorable, and there's a good amount of character development overall in the Malfoy family which is interesting to follow. I wouldn't read this one yet though because it's nowhere near being done. The story left off at the beginning of fourth year at the time I'm typing this, so D and H aren't really in their angsty teen years yet. I'll probably update when it's complete, but so far it's a really cute read! Also the writing is top notch. 

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